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Sunday, March 3, 2024

If money were no object what would I do ? Travel to ...


 I would buy both a round the world cruise, On second thoughts, one better, take up residence on a cruise ship designed for that purpose.

I would also buy a round the world air ticket. 

I would visit every country of the world, with a series of meetings on the country's successes and failures. A dozen categories,  for example, housing (Singapore's HDB, housing development board.)


Afterwards, I would live on the top floor of a hotel to eat hotel meals in their restaurant and have all the housework done. 


Buy up property and renovate it. 

Take a role in national or local government.  Fill potholes. Remove cobblestones and trams to make safe pavements and roads. 

Shops & Services

Make every apartment block have a corner shop, a doctor, dentist office. a frats and repair shop, and an all year swimming pool and each flat would have a balcony and safety windows and safety railings on the balcony. 


Murderes and rapits would be imprisoned for life and if released kept in gated communities and tagged. 

No protestests or parades could block roads. One lane would always have to be kept free for buses, taxis, bikes, hired bikes, joggers and emergency vehicles.. 

I would install a worldwide online free health service. Funded by donations and part of ineritance tax.

Inheritance Tax

 Inheritance tax would only be charged on savings. Nobody would have to sell their house to pay bills or taxes. 

Squatters and Immigrants

Squatters would be sent to live in tiny homes, and would have to help build more tiny homes in exchange for the right to live in one. Immigrants would similarly be given tiny homes and like students, would be given loans they would have to pay back.


 Every school leaver would have not just abstract subjects but a series of skills, like scouts, make clothes, growing food, cooking food, painting and DIY, sewing, knitting, crafts.

Useful Websites

Residentail Cruise

Your choice of cruise liners

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