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Friday, March 22, 2024

How To Recognizei Alphabets On Signosts and Road Signs - Using alphabets


Indian  alphabet.

If you see a sign on a signpost you can do a screen capture and image search to match it up.
Simpler still, check the national languages, and the nearest countries.

Indian Languages\
Urdu and Hindi are almost the same. But Hindu used byy Hindu people is written in their script. Uurdu used by a mainly Moslem population is written in the Arabic script. is

The Hebrew script is used for writing the Hebrew language, as used in versions of the Old Testament, and prayer books in Jewish Orthodox synagogues. Also for writing Yiddish (German with a sprinkling of Hebrew and Russian words), and Ladino (Spanish, with a spriling of other language words). Hebrew letters were also used by the preist Cyril to create the Cyrillic language so the bible could be read by Russians. Cyril used both Hebrew and Greek letters which is why learning or recognizing any of these alphabets helps with the others.

Russian and Cyrillic\
Cyrillic is also used for Bulgarian. Plus a few extra letters. I found languages got easier when I stopped thinking of letters as being a task and a hindrance, and started thinking of them as a help. The same goes for vowels and diacritics, dots, and dashes which show which vowels are pronounced differently.


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