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Friday, September 6, 2024

More Chances To See Hotel Ducks in Roanoke

 I had read and told you about the Peabody Hotel Ducks in Memphis, Tennessee, in the south of North America, in the USA. I searched online and found the group have another hotel, a Peabody hotel, in Roanoke which is in Virginia. 

I lived in the USA in Rockville, Maryland, in the north of Washington DC. At weekends, we would leave early on a Friday late afternoon or evening and head down the coast to warmer weather to see another city or attraction in the USA. 

The Roanake's Peabody hotel is only three hours away from Washitnton DC, whereas the Memphis hotel is about four hours away. Travelling is easy in the USA. 

Driving There

We used to love driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway, a mountain top route through the forest, traffic-free and way above the motrowary along the coastline. The motorway was quicker but you could always turn downhill if you needed toilets and refreshments.

So if you are in a big city in the east coast as a resident, business person, or holidaymaker, think about going south to see the ducks. The five mallard ducks marching in to the fountain, then out again later, is a great entertainment for both children and adults. The ducks are very opular so to get a good view go early to either get a seat or stand along the duck route as they march in at 11 am, or beside the fountain, or on the interior balcony above if you are in a bedroom.

It's free for visitors, and the hotel has lots of bars and restaurants.

What else is there to see and photograph in Roanoke. Its famous feature is the hilltop star.  The city is now known as the star of the south.

Useful websites

Wikipedi on Roanoke



The hotel group websites

My article on the other Peadbody Hotel with ducks in Mephis, Tennessee (with music attractions, Elvis assocations).

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