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Thursday, September 26, 2024

World Travel Market and the Faroe Islands" Famous Sheep View

 The World Travel Market

The World Travel Market takes every year and allows everybody connected with the travel industry to meet up. That means tourist boards, hotels and groups, airlines, online sales suppliers and bloggers like me. The public can read about it in the Uk newspapers and marketing newspapers.

 The London evnt is at Excel. They meet every year . In 2004  the two day event starts on Tuesday November 5th (which, incidentally is Guy Fawkes Day, ending in fireworks displays 

I have signed up for it and started reading their website to see what's new. Under destinations, I found an amusing piece about how the Faroe islands marketed themselves.  

The Sheep View

A resident was concerned that the Faroe Isalands was not on Google's Streetview. The islands, just to inform or remind you, are north of Great Britain.

How many people and sheep? More sheep than people. Souvenirs include clothes made of wool. 

The lady who was concerned about not being on Google View decided to set up a camera on a sheep. All the local people and Google were informed. The locals joined in with cameras on sheep, bicyles, surf boards and even a wheelbarrow. The posts went viral. Google noticed and kindly sent over one of their coplicated cameras on loan for a proper google strret view, or rahter path, hilltop, and sea view. You can see the whole series of videos documented on YouTube. The sheep view was a great success and soon all the hotels were fully booked and now the Faroes are on Google. Hurray! What a wonderful marketing story..

The Faroe islands in addition to sheep have other wildlife.

Cute Faroese sheep.

As American President Roosevelt quoted in his autobiogrphy, Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Useful websites

World Travel Market

Faroe Islands

The Wikipedia article has a link to the intrumental version of the national anthm.

National Anthem sung

Angela Lansbury is he author of Quick Quotations; and Who Said What When.

You can look at the books on Amazon .com and

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