Malay flag
Malay - English
apel - apple
ayam - chicken
bagasi - luggage (like bag and bassage)
besar - big
buku - book
daging - meat
goreng - fried
ikan - fish
ikan bilis - teeny fish, smaller than whitebait, used as a garnish
kash - cash
kue - cake
mangga - mango

makanan - foodnasi - rice
nasi goreng - fried rice
pisang - banana
pisang goreng - fried banana
restauran - restaurant
English (and American) - Malay (and Indonesian)
apple - appel
banana - pisang
big - besar
book - buku
cake - kue
cash - kash
chicken - ayam
food - makanan
fish - ikan
fried - goreng (sound like grilled, but it is fried, but it is a cooking style)
fried rice - nasi goreng
luggage - bagasi
Malay language - bahasa Malay (literally language Malay, the adjective coming first, unlike the English translation)
meat - daging
restaurant - restauran
rice - nasi
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About the Author
Angela Lansbury is a member of Toastmasters International.
Angela Lansbury B A Hons is the author of ten books by regular publishers plus another ten self-published books.
About Angela The Speaker & Trainer
Angela Lansbury is a teacher of English and other languages to Toastmasters clubs and businesses.
Angela has several blogs speeches, comedy and song writing and organizing, writing intermittently, but writes almost daily on these three:
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