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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Update on Belize Death of Policeman - how to prevent accidents?

Belize barrier reef.

Belize zoo.

Belize - where is it?

Central America.

Belize is at the top of central America, north end, north-east, just south of Mexico. At the opposite end to the South is Panama with the Panama Canal 

What's to see in Belize? Reefs, wildlife, or animals and birds in the zoo. Water sports such as snorkelling, seeing waterfalls and caves, tubing on water through caves. Culture? The history museums, an art gallery, Mayan pyramids, Mayan people. Speak English to most people, Spanish to many, and maybe learn a little Mayan.

What's the 2021 story that brought Bwlize into the news? The death of a policeman, shot with his own gun, whilst on a pier late at night with a good friend, a well-off lady. She and her husband owned the nearby hotel on the island. The death occurred not on the mainland which has Belize city on the coast, and the capital inland, but on one of the islands, on Ambergris Caye (Caye means island).

What happened?

According to the newspapers reports, a policeman was shot dead, with his own gun, apparently by his good friend. The defence claim it was an accident.  I find that account convincing. But was it a preventable accident? Here's my take on it.

I look at this story. I cannot yet know all the facts for certain. I cannot change the past. I cannot change anybody else's behaviour. Especially not in a country far away.

But I might learn some lessons for myself. I shall share them. Make the rules when you are safe and sober, to guide you when you are unsafe or not sober.

How can you prevent this happening to you or anybody you know, whether you are on holiday or living as an expat or in your home? 

How to avoid attack by gangs or loners. Stick to the safe tourist areas. Go out at night to well lit places with people about, having checked the safe areas. Stick to groups. Carry ID and a little money but not anything which would make you an obvious target. Assess every location and event for safety and stay alert.

But what if your friends have guns, or you have one?

If somebody is having relationship issues, they should not have a gun. What if they need it for self-defense? 

Likely you would have the gun grabbed by your attacker. Or you kill them, upset two families, because you would spend a long time jailed awaiting trial and then spend the rest of your life in gaol. 

Consider alternatives, such as going away, on holiday, emigrating, going into hiding. Wearing body armour. 

As the Chinese saying goes, before taking revenge, dig two graves.

1 If somebody is driving erratically, stop them from driving. Remove any weapons.

2 Do not play with guns when the gun owner or you are drunk.

3 Stick to curfews. 

Make your own curfew. If somebody calls you after midnight or near midnight, tell them you are tired and need your sleep. Arrange to see them next day in daylight hours.

4 Follow army systems. Never unload or load or point a gun when somebody is standing in front of you. They should always be beside you and the gun should point forward and away from any human or anything which could make a bullet ricochet. 

5 Only practise with guns in practise places where guns are fixed pointing away at  non-human targets.

6 Always check the number of bullets.

7 Check with the other person whether a gun is or is not loaded. 

8 If you are an amateur, do not struggle with a loaded or being loaded gun. Hand it to the owner and let them point it away from you and sort out the problem.

Stay safe. Happy Holidays.

 Useful Website

Grand Colony Hotel

About the Author

Angela Lansbury, is a semi-retired travel writer still researching bucket list countries and seeking out the special, unusual, people, places,  landmarks, hotels, museums and trails, fabulous foods, recipes, clothes and online souvenir shopping.

Angela Lansbury is a member of Toastmasters International.

About the Author Angela Lansbury

The Author - Quick Quotations

Angela Lansbury B A Hons  is the author of ten books by regular publishers plus another ten self-published books. 

About Angela The Speaker & Trainer

Angela Lansbury is a teacher of English and other languages to Toastmasters clubs and businesses.

Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters Speakers Vice President  Public Relations, Immediate Past President. VPPR
Former Area Director S3. Club Coach for Nee Soon South Toastmasters Club.
Also Member of: TCA Toastmasters Club; Singapore Online Dynamic; Harrovians UK

Past meetings have included Garen Tee on using story telling in business, on . 
Recent meetings of BHA included an educational session on using Powerpoint for posters.
Next BHA meetings, always first Wednesday evening, 7 pm Singapore time. Next meeting is  the third Saturday afternoon, June 19th 2pm Singapore time.  Inauguration of the new committee by the incoming Director of S, plus a lively speech on teamwork.
Angela The Blogger 

Angela has several blogs speeches, comedy and song writing and organizing, writing intermittently, but writes almost daily on these three:

See next post on sculptor Tom Harvey.

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