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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Plasters and Waterproof Cover For Insect Bites, Small Scratches and Sores - Where and Why You Need Plasters and Waterproof Cover


Boots Microproouse Tape Photo by Angela Lansbury

First I cut a large Elastoplast to fit over the two bites and swollen area.
Elastoplast is a brand name.

I had covered the two insect bites with  sealed the plaster with waterproof tape so I could shower.
I needed a large plaster I could cut to size. 

Two days later the swelling had gone down, leaving two tiny pink discs showing where I had been bitten.

Regarding website searches, if  my laptop says I am in Singapore I get links to sites in Singapore. This happens when I travel to the UK or elsewhere. The same things happens in reverse. I can travel from the UK to Singapore and when I arrive in Singapore all the websites come up as if I am still in the UK. If you click on a link which says a country other than where you are, you may have to change your settings to allow the laptop or phone to know where you are. I turned that off, wanting to disguise my location for security reasons. However, I then found all my websites were for the wrong country because all the websites I clicked on did not know where I was. If you have clicked on the links I have included, and you find a website for the wrong country, simply note the supplier such as Amazon,and do your own search with the keywords for the product. You might want to add the name of the country you are in or to adjust your settings.

This is really small and easy to pack when travelling. It is also hard to buy in countries when you don't speak the language so easier to take with you. Also it is something you need in a hurry if you want to shower once or twice a day, or more, in a hot or tropical country, or down under in Australia where the seasons are reversed. Or in quarantine.


Three pounds ninety nine pence in September 2021:

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