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Monday, November 14, 2022

The easiest language to learn - over is over!

 Swedish is the easiest language to learn if you speak English. Even easier than Spanish and the made up totally regular language Esperanto.

Look at these words. The initials are often the same. Everything is so similar.

Writing down the words I have just learned in alphabetical order will help me to remember them.

Swedish - English

at (with a circle over the a) - at (pronounced ought - that is what the circle is for)

bakom - behind (like at the back of) (pronounced bokom

bredvid - beside or next to, (vid sounds like see in video)

(the) dog - hunden (the hound)

du - you

flyger - flying

framat (with a circle over the a) - forward

Hasten (with two dots over the a) - the horse (the horse hastens, or hastens you, that's horse power) 

over (with two dots over the o) - over

renarna - reindeer / renen - the reindeer

sitter -  sitting

star (with a circle over the a) - standing

This lesson is over. The Swedish for over is over.

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