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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Google translate for travelling

 I was looking at Duolingo for Swedish and thinking, am I learning useful words? Do I really need to know cat and dog? 

Earworms is geared up to teaching you useful conversation for sitting on a plane and asking for a taxi to the city centre. 

I decided to go into Google translate and look up half a dozen useful words in Swedish and to pick out those which were easy to remember.

Here is the result of my first effort

Which column should I copy? The English first? No because I could not yet remember the Swedish, nor the accents. So, obviously the Swedish words first. Translate them and add memory aids (which you can record if you instead or additionally use the language learning app memrise

Swedish - English

Lycklig - happy (so happy I am licking my lips, similar to the German glücklich)
trött - tired (as you would feel after trotting around all day)
hungry - hungry
thirsty - thirsty
upptagen - busy (all your spare time taken up)
jag behöver - I need (Ja, yes, good it is behoven to me, I'd be happy to have, hover over)
beverage - drink
smörgås - sandwich (Not a whole smorgas board, just a small sandwich would be great, I'd be grateful because I'm gasping with hunger)

Now let's put them in alphabetic order
Swedish - English
beverage - drink
hungry - hungry
I need - I need
Happy - happy
sandwich - sandwich
thirsty - thirsty
tired - tired
busy (up taken)
Then in English first
happy - Happy
tired - tired
hungry - hungry
thirsty - thirsty
busy - occupied
I need - I need
drink - beverage
sandwich - sandwich
Then English in alphabetic order
busy - occupied
happy - Happy
hungry - hungry
sandwich - sandwich
thirsty - thirsty
tired - tired
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