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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Arabic alphabet songs from the quick to the easy, and the whole alphabet written out

 I thought of asking the Facebook's polyglot pages members for recommendations for alphabet songs. Then I thought of just googling it myself. Up came lots of answer.  Thry two or three. Then when you like one, pin it.

The first one I tried went fast through the.

I found the constant injunctions to follow Allah were irritating. If you are a devout Muslim, and teaching your own childen, you might be delighted. If you are an adult, it is a distraction to keep going off away from task in hand.

I then went back into wikipedia and found a helpful chart. If you know either Hebrew or Greek, the Arabic suddenly starts to make sense. A, b, t, g, h, ... Now I can go back to Duolingo and make much fast progress. Especially if I print off a chart of the Arabic alphabet.

My memory aids are, start with alif, just a straight line, like the number one. Next is ba,  like an empty bowl or basin, with a teeny foot supporting it on the table. Then thirdly, ta, equivalent of gammal, ta, a tea cup with tea inside, or thanks for the tea, two eyes.  Fourthly, da, do I want some more yes I do, three eyes. Fifth is gim, give me some more, table and hand. Ha, table and hand but nothing. Ha with a dot on top is stranger.  Dal is like a door opening. 

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