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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Odd and Excellent Objects and Ideas I found when Travelling

 I lived on and off in Singapore for about thirty years. I was there in the British winter, back in the UK for summer. Singapore changed and improved a lot with many useful changes to streets and homes.

Covered Pedestrian Ways

When I first went there the old town areas had the five foot ways which were wide covered pavements, a bit like the cloisters in England's Oxford and Cambridge colleges. Shelter from the rain. Also shelter from the hot sun.

Later, the suburbs filled with apartment blocks, HDB (ssate housing estates) and local schools. In the last decade the new town planning system was to build covered ways between the new (and old) underground railway stations and the local housing estates and schools.

This was to protect pedestrians children, the elderly, those who did not drive. And it encouraged those who had a choice to leave the car at home and take the trains on the new lines.

Rebuilding Plans

Major rebuilding will be necessary around the world. 

Due to Wartime 

Ukraine. Russia. Gaza. Beirut and the Lebanon. Israel, kibbutzim and cities. Maybe more countries. I was shocked to read that the kibbutzim have safe rooms and bunkers,.Yet they cannot keep out assailants.

American cities have bunkers in major buildings and hotels. 

Singapore railway stations have signs about the stations containing safe areas. Buildings are on stilts with a void deck to cope with flooding.

Natural Disasters and Climate Changes

For example, flooding in Florida in the USA.  Earthquakes in California in the USA. Indonesia. Volvanoes. Tsunamis. 

Flooding by rivers, seas and oceans.

Prevention - Balcony Falls

Fires in High Rises

The UK has to fund a major progrmme of replacing cladding. 

In Canada years ago Haabitat was built stepped like a pyramid so that jumping off a blcony took you no further than one floof below.

Grenfell in London, England.

Prevention - portable fire escapes, folding rope ladders for travellers to keep in their luggage in cars, when staying in skyscrapers instead of ground floor motel bedrooms. 


So many people falling off balconies. Climbing on balconies. Cats falling off balconies. Children falling out of windos.Cleaning is done from professionals on the outside, not maids or home owners leaning out.

Lessons Learned

What lessons have been learned?

The Titanic taught us tht ships need lifeboats with enough places for everybody. But a chip titlted on its side might not have usable, launchable lifeboats. That's why you don't wait until the last moment before evaluating.  Women and children who are less agile are evacuated first.

Life boats need to be stocked with food, drink and a fishing line, first aid, a spare life vest. Flares for signalling to ships. Maybe even a line for nearby swimmers to cling to, without clambering into the boat and upending it. 

Survival. Surely survival including first aid, cooking, weather watching basics (sun rises in the east shadows, and so on, safe and unpleasant plants, repairing shoes, surviving, town planning, growing and grafting plants.should be taught not just to scouts but to all schoolchildren. The Japanese teach children to clean their classroooms and school.

Califormian hotels have windows which cannot open so you cannot fall out. 

Hotel and Plane and Train Evacuation

I sit in an aisle seat. Quickest way to toilets. And exits. If I want a photo from the window, I ask somebody near the window to take a photo for me.

Different countries have different minimum heights for 

Basements and Candles

I don't like to be in basements with candles. New Year's Eve. Disco disasters and wedding disasters from giant flames and flammable decorations. Tables blocking the route to exits. 

We have electricity. Battery candles for birthday cakes. Electric imitation candles.  

Safer Roads

We have Belisha beacons, zebra crossings, bleeping pedestrian lights. traffic lights. Pedstrian barriers.  Stopping lines a few yards before the pedestrian or trafic light. Pedestrian bridges 

Singapore and Cats

Caat flaps can be conveient for cats. 

Cat Repellent

In London, a woman was afraid of cats and her neighbours got two cats and often let them out. The.husband of the woman who was afraid bought a cat repellent device which he installed outside his balcony door. Would be pet owners must put metal bars across balconies before acquiring a cat.

Useful Websites

pistbye cat repellent on Amazon

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