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Monday, November 10, 2014

Remembrance Sunday Irish Pipers in Harrow - The Glen Trew Pipers Leading the Freedom Parade

To remember the lost in The Great War (WWI) and all wars before and since, the armed forces, whether volunteers or conscripted, and civilian casualties, and celebrate the peace on Remembrance Day in Harrow, North London, England. This group look like a Scottish band in their kilts and sporrans but they are Irish, called The Trew, from the area south of Dublin on the South East coast or Ireland (Eire). Trew rhymes with true. One of them said he wanted to change their name to Harrow Pippers. They look very handsome in black and green, notice the black hats with green decorations, with pipes and a drum.

They led the parade which they do every year. They play for public events, private parties and charity events. Their repertoire includes Battle of the Somme, Irish favourites, Scotland the Brave, and Auld Lang Syne. If you want to join a pipe band, they practise on Sunday mornings and welcome new members. 

If you go to Edinburgh in Scotland, look for the bronze statue of the piper honouring the pipers in wartime who raised morale and entertained the troops and gave their lives. The statue was put up in 2014.

More information on the pipers I met:

Battle of the Somme on Youtube

The police were out, too, protecting the performers and the public.

Piper's Memorial at Longueval.
Longueval is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France. 
Wikipedia. Photo by Weglinde.

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