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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Update on Xmas/Hanukah/Halloween cookie cutters

Christmas/Hanukah cookie cutters
Getting ready for Christmas, I just bought two copies of Essentials magazine number Xmas issue (£2.99 each copy) from a Tesco Express in order to get the metal cookie cutters.

One set consists of a Christmas tree, six pointed wiggly edge star, and bell.

The other set has a five pointed straight sided star, an angel (I thought it was a gingerbread man until I looked closer) and a J shape candy cane.

A six point star was on a mince tart at the end of the set meal at the Civil Service Club Xmas dinner.
Lots of mince tarts which are sold in supermarkets are decorated with stars. I think it's something to do with the symbolism of the three magi (wise men) following the stars to the town of Bethlehem to the stable where Jesus was said to be born. However, a six point star does very nicely for a talk or topic (impromptu speech, originally a topic taken from the table) about Hanukah at a Toastmasters Xmas/winter party. (The hanukah symbol is the 9 branch candlestick, but if you want a symbol on the food a six point star does nicely.)

The Xmas cutter will do for cutting biscuits or sandwiches. I plan to use if for icing shapes to stand up or lie flat on a fruit cake with a white icing top.

More Cutters From Morrisons
Morrisons, like Tesco, sells the Essentials Magazine with the 'free' cookie cutters, at £2.99.

However, for only £1 in Morrisons  you can get three larger cookie cutters with a seasonal theme in red plastic. The designs I saw were for three: Xmas tree, star, and another.

Nesting Stars On Ebay
A set of ten nesting stars on ebay can be stacked to make a Xmas tree.

Hanukah Cookie Cutters
I did a search for hanukah cookie cutters. This is the sort of thing which is hard to find in a hurry overseas. For example, one year I was travelling to Singapore and needed some symbols them to give a talk to Friends of The Museum on Hanukah for a multi-cultural winter workshop and holiday party. In the UK I see the work Hanukah but US sites spell it Chanukah. They sell cookie cutters in sets of three, usually including a six point star and a dreidl (spinning top).

You can also buy sets of nesting Halloween cookie cutters.

Nesting sets of hearts are handy for wedding anniversaries, birthdays and Valentine's day. I also liked the rolling pins which roll out a line of hearts or stars, for decorating ribbons of pastry or icing for cakes.

If you want only one cutter, for £1.19 including postage, try ebay:

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