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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Travel and Diet - Fruit or Brownies?

Travel and diet - that's tricky. You know what you ought to eat. You et fruit at home, then pile on the pounds every time you eat out. Do you lose weight at home but put on weight when out at a buffet or travelling?
   When I'm travelling or just out at a conference or meeting, I sometimes deliberately grab the sugary chocolates and biscuits. That's because I need energy to run for a train, talk to an audience, stay awake to catch plane, or get off the train at the right stop.
   If you want to avoid the temptation of a buffet, what can you carry in your pocket or bag? A piece of chocolate or biscuit can turn up in your bag or pocket a week later with no problem. But a bag of fruit or vegetables has turned into a nasty mush.
   However, I am mulling over my choices when travelling after reading what psychologists in Dijon, France, have discovered, that smelling fruit in advance of choosing food. The University of Bourgogne's researchers showed that having smelled fruit in the waiting room, the subjects chose fruit rather than brownies for dessert. 

This is what we eat for breakfast at home. (If we need sustaining, followed by a boiled egg, if in a hurry. Plus lots of water.)

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