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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Passover food, drink, candles and matzo in Morrisons - what do the Hebrew (?) words mean?

Morrisons supermarket has delivered to homes in North West London an advertising leaflet with the title Happy Passover and pictures and prices of food, drink, candles and matzo for Passover and all year.

chag- holiday
chag sameach - happy holiday
consomme - French for a thin, usually clear broth or soup
haimisha - like home, home-style
Kosher - observing rules of kashrut from the book of Leviticus, called simple The Bible - known to Christians as Old Testament when they added the New Testament. The rules include no pork, no shellfish, and not mixing milk and meat
kosher for Passover - contains no bread -
marble cake - marble like pattern from mixing cake dough of two colours, usually plain and chocolate in swirling pattern like tie dye fabric
matzo(s) - alternative spelling matzah
passover - festival time celebrating the Angel of Death passing over the houses of the Hebrew slave class who were building the pyramids (according to the Bible or Old Testament, which many will know from MGM movies). The Hebrews were spared from the deaths which struck the firstborn sons of the homes of the Egyptian overlords. Discovery Channel called in forensics experts and concluded that deaths were from contaminated cereals. The result was that rulers introduced using up old crops before the new harvest, hence Spring Cleaning, giving up foods for lent, and cleaning the house for Passover, banning bread with raising agents  only eating dry crackers called matzoh, even using a special new set or crockery if you are religious during the festival of passover.
pound cake - from the easy recipe - all four recipe ingredients weighed one pound - see later post and wikipedia
sameach - happy
shnitzel - piece of thinly cut up meat, as in Viener Schnitzel which is breaded slice of veal, popular if you travel to Vienna
yahrzeit - yahr is year, memorial candle
yom kippur - yom is day. Yom Kippur is the fast day

More detailed and accurate translations are available from translations from French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish.


See recipes, food cartons and packaging of foods and websites of foods.

Angela Lansbury B A Hons is a travel writer, radio and TV speaker and trains speakers.
She spoke weekly on radio in a Jewish travel programme and has written a Jewish travel trails and tales guide.
See more about Angela on YouTube and learn about her books on Amazon and

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