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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Learn Welsh words: Spider, fly, monkey, goose

How do I recognize and remember Welsh words? Several start with the same letter. Recognising Welsh is easier. The harder part is reconstructing the rest of the word. Pronunciation is different, learning to recognize the sounds. If you hear a word spoken several times, you might also imagine the spelling on a page.

Remember amusing sentences.

Welsh - English
copyn - spider (letter p in c o P y n and s P i d e r. The cop spider catches the fly. Cop (spider) yells no.)
p r y f - fly (FlY prYF. Please rush your fly off pffff! End with the f.
monkey - m w n c i
gwydd - goose GwyDD - GOOse

English - Welsh
fly - p r y f
goose - g w y d d
monkey - Mw n c i
spider - c o p y n


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