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Friday, August 25, 2017

More Welsh Words: When? Going? Drink? Beer?

How do I recognize everyday Welsh words, vocabulary and verbs? Look for letters in common and make up phrases and sentences.

Pryd - when (My memory trigger - You PRoD him and ask when; PRYD Please, Richard, are You Drinking - When?)
m y n d - going (do you mynd, MiND out, move yourself, look where you are GOING and weNDing your way)
aros - waiting (AROund so long ROSes would grow)
yma - here - You are HERE in My Arms
rosari - rosary
yfed - drink (Why are you fed up with eating? Drink!)
cwrw - beer (look for the double letters CoR - OO, the crew are drinking BeeR)

aros - waiting
cwrw - beer
mynd - going
pryd - when
rosari - rosary
yfed - drink
yma - here

beer - cwrw
drink - yfed
going - mynd
here - yma
rosary - rosari
waiting - ros
when - pryd

Angela Lansbury
Travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, teacher of English and other languages.
I have other posts and languages and destinations such as Wales. Please share links with your favourite posts.

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