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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How to say 'cheers' in other languages from French to Russian

I was poured a glass of Artisan wine at the vineyard and winery of Aurelia Visinescu. How do you say cheers in Romanian?

The waiter pours your glass of wine or beer and you lift it to say cheers - but how do you say it in another language?

British - Cheers! (Popular in pubs) Good health! (Formal occasions)
French - Salut! Santé. A votre santé. (To your good health.)
Danish - Skål! (Pronounced Scole, as in scold.)
Dutch - Proost!
German - Prost!
Hawaiian - Ke aloha!
Hebrew - L'chaim (To life - as you will notice in the song from Fiddler on the Roof. Le is the.)
Indonesian bahasa - Tos! (Or 'Ting!' Bahasa means language)
Italian - Saluti! Chin-chin!
Japanese - Kanpai! (Cheers. Good luck. Congratulations!)
Norwegian - Jubel! (Pronounced You bull.)
Polish - Okrzyki. (Pronounced Ock shirky.) Twoje zdrowie (Pronounced Foy-iz Drov-yeah!)
Portuguese -
Romanian - Noroc! (N o r o c means luck, happiness, or success.)
Russian - Ypa (Pronounced or ah.)
Spanish - Salud
Swedish - Skål! (Pronounced Sko - all.)
Ukrainian - Ypa (Pronounced or ah like aura. The same as the Russian.)
Yiddish - Sei gesund! (Pronounced 'Say gesund' - like the German.)

The German and Yiddish Gesundheit meaning good health is said after somebody sneezes and is also used in the USA.  The English equivalent in the UK would be Bless you!

If you type cheers into Google translate you get the translation for the word applause. Either check alternative translations or add an exclamation mark.

To hear the pronunciation, hover over the symbols and click on the correct one for listen and you will hear the pronunciation in most languages.

A post on the Aurelia Visinescu wines and winery in Romania will follows this one.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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