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Friday, March 1, 2019

Lost in Singapore? Not on the MRT.

Singapore flag.

I got lost in Singapore. I was looking for the Waterloo Centre on Waterloo Road. I was told to go to Bencoolen MRT which is just along on the same street.

Bencoolen is a great station. It contains artwork showing artists.

Bencoolen MRT station interior corridor mural. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

But I was late, so I decided to save time by getting off earlier at Rochor, also on the blue downtown line.

Rochor was a disaster. Boy, did I get lost. Nobody in this area knows the way. Except the stallholders who speak Chinese (Mandarin) or more likely Hokkien or Tamil. (Rochor is one stop away from Little India.)

Yes, I did ask for directions at the MRT station. "Exit A and turn right," they said. Sounded good.

No map at the top. Or there was a map, but I could not work out where I was on the map. Better start walking and ask at the next junction.

Somebody told me to go right. A few yards later I asked again. Two people I asked didn't know and wanted me to wait whilst they played with their phones looking for an online map. However, the third knew the way. "Cross the (wide) road, (four lanes of traffic,) and go ahead."

I go ahead. Still no sign of it. I have been there at least three times before, from Bencoolen or another station.

I find a shopping food court, obscured by stalls. Hurray. Now where? Third floor. the layout is wrong.  The building is too short. The food court ends, but there are no offices. I ask again.
"Where am I?"
 I am not in Waterloo Centre but Albert Court.

I ask again.

His English is not very good. Nor is my Mandarin. He points. Uh-huh. I must go out of the far end and turn right.

Off I go in the street. I ask again.

It is ahead, across Middle street. Off I go. I find Middle street. But no Waterloo street.

I ask again. Somebody points to a sign. Ah! Off again.

At last I find Waterloo Street. However, I must be at the wrong end, no sign of Waterloo Centre, number 261. I ask again.

Waterloo Centre!
At last I meet Waterloo Centre. I recognize the distinctive colours of green, cream and orange. The place was recently renovated.

I want the third floor. Alas, there is no lift. I trudge up two flights of stairs, lugging the bag of props for my talk.  I reach the second floor. Pause. Two more flights - now I am on the third floor.

The place is a maze. I make several wrong turnings. I want unit 27. One gallery leads to numbers 1-4 and 49. But it ends suddenly. I make three more wrong turns and phone the hosts. I am now an hour late.

The person who invited me, young Mr Lim, wanted me to replace him, because he was running late. But he has arrived first. Later, he says consolingly: "The first time I came here, I spent an hour trying to find it".

I am reminded of the old Irish joke. We stopped to ask the way and we were told (adopt your best Irish accent): 'If I were you, I wouldn't start from here.'

I would start from Bencoolen MRT for Waterloo Street. You can get lost on the MRT, at a few places where the train line forks - such as on the way to Changi Airport! But mostly you get lost only after you leave the MRT with its maps, and start to walk. If you can find your destination on the map first, and get directions from a local person from the MRT before setting off, a wise precaution.

Final tips:
1 Install as many maps as you can on your mobile phone.
2 Photograph the map you see downstairs or at the station exit so you can use it as you walk when you reach the next junction.
3 Notice a prominent landmark near your destination. It is easier to find somebody knows the nearby church, garage, or shopping mall. Even if they don't know it, they may have just walked past it or be able to spot it or a signpost outside it or a signpost to it.
4 Write down the street number of your building in large letters on a Post-it stuck to your diary or phone or in an outside pocket. Then when you reach your street, you can be sure you are walking in the right direction along it.

Allow plenty of time so you can enjoy the murals and art in the MRT stations.

Promenade MRT station. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

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Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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