- a glass
- a fork
- a knife
- a spoons
the bill -
please - por favor
it's nothing/you're welcome - de nada
Don't mention it - No lo menciones (different word order; stick to de nada)
Don't mention it - No lo menciones (different word order; stick to de nada)
The bill, please (work this out from the other words given)

una servilleta (a or one serviette, to use the French word)
- un vaso (not a vase but a vase shaped glass)
- un tenedor
- un cuchillo
- unas cucharas
lo siento
la factura -
Grammar Lesson
English sentence structure is nearly always subject verb object (SVO for short).
In Spanish you can see from the examples above that the object it comes at the start or middle and the verb at the end.
About The Author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, blogger, author of 20 books including an ebook on Improve Your English, from Amazon, and teacher of English and Business English and other languages to individuals, colleges and companies. For more information on learning languages see the previous posts. For information on sites to see in Spain and Portugal see the next post. Please bookmark your favourite posts and share the links with your family, friends and colleagues.
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