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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Malay words to use for meal times

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Juice and tea

English (Malay translation below)
good morning - selamat pagi
good afternoon - selamat petang
good evening - selamat petang

I - saya
I want - saya mahu
a table for - jadual (table) untuk (for)
one - satu
two - dua
three - tiga
four - empat

and - dan
a sandwich - sandwic
cake - kek
cheese cake - kek keju (note that the adjective comes second in Malay)
potato - kentang
chicken - ayam

allergy - alergi
fish - ikan
shellfish/clams - kerang

please - sila (like the French s'il vous plait)
thanks - terimah kasih
coffee - kopi
tea - teh
sugar - gula
milk - susu
juice - jus

Goodbye - selamat tinggal
(the) bill - bil
credit card - kad kredit
receipt - resit
smaller - lebih kecil
larger - lebih besar

Malay Translation (English above)
selamat Pagi - good morning
selamat petang - good afternoon
selamat petang - good evening

saya mahu - I want
jadual untuk - table for
satu - one
dua - two
tiga - three
empat - four

dan - and
sandwic - sandwich
kek - cake
kek keju - cheese cake
kentang - potatoes
ayam - chicken

alergi - allergy
ikan - fish
kerang - clam

Selamat tinggal - goodbye
bil - bill
kad kredit - credit card
resit - receipt
lebih kecil - smaller (size small)
lebih besar - larger (size large)

Useful Websites
Two websites for learning languages for free:

About the author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, who teaches English and other languages.

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