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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Thermometer Checks On Foreheads at Airports, Malls, Pools, Gyms: What Is It recording? C to F

Thermometer check for forehead. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

At Changi airport visitors arriving from overseas will pass a large monitor which records your temperature. 

To enter a shopping mall, public building, Community Club, or to swim in a Condominium, you sign in with your name, address, contact phone number, time or arrival, signature, and then have your temperature taken and recorded.

The thermometer is designed with different settings for babies, toddlers and adults. The reading is in centigrade. 

I usually ask them to tell me my temperature. This time I had the bright idea of asking if I could record it on my phone. Apparently your temperature can vary slightly during the day. It will be interesting to see how much, if at all, my temperature varies.

This time I was entering a swimming pool area. Masks are required everywhere except when excercising.

Taking the photo of my temperature enabled me to get a picture of the device used. I suspect that if I had asked to take a photo of the thermometer the official might have worried that I had some underhand motive, such as stealing it, complaining about it. Without knowing what I might be up to, he might have decided to err on the side of caution and declined permission. 

Generally, if somebody is smiling and happy they will say yes to a request. If they are unsmiling and look worried or cross, they are more likely to say no.

Anyway, I was lucky, and achieved my objective. I found out my temperature and interesting detials about the device. So if I want to order one online, I can see whether it has features I want, or don't need. Even if I don't bother to order one, I feel in control of my environment and I am happy.

35.6 C converts to 
96.08 F 
using rapid tables

= 96.08°F

This was taken after swimming because the desk was not manned on arrival.

You have the conversion chart.

If you take a photo or write down your temperature two or three days running you will know what is your normal temperature.

So, now you know, too.

Happy swimming, shopping, travelling.

In Singapore you can say thank you and goodbye in English. However, the other four official languages are Chinese (Mandarin), Malay, and Tamil, which you will hear in anouncements on the underground called the MRT. You might like to learn a little of the languages commonly used in coutnries you hope to visit this year or next year, at very least to recognize hello, thank you and goodbye.

Useful Websites On Thermometer Temperature Conversion

Angela Lansbury
  • https://travelwithangelalansbury.blogs

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