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Thursday, November 12, 2020

How To Spot Tourists: Can you Spot Tourists? Are You Targets?


Cartoon of Travellers

When you are travelling as a tourist, any shopkeeper, beggar or conman can spot you easily. Firstly by your clothes. 


My worst mistake was arriving in hotel Delhi wearing winter boots from London. My luggage went missing and I was sweltering and conspicuous wearing winter boots and a coat in India amongst the ladies in sarees. You could spot me from a mile away. I had forgotten or not yet taken seriously the standard advice to travellers. Dress for your destination.

You are walking slowly, looking lost, admiring your surroundings, stopping to consult a map. 


You could be taking numerous photos with your camera or mobile phone. A tourist is smiling, looking at the surroundings, watching local people. He quickly moves on to the next sight. He or she has a rucksack, suitcase, maybe even a travel sticker, or clothes for a different country or climate. 

A working person, such as a surveyor, taking photos for work, has a tripod and camera bag. He is frowning at the camera equipment. He is looking at his watch, using a ruler, making notes, talking earnestly to the boss, instructing an anxious colleague.


You are dressed casually, when the business people are wearing smart, matching, tailored clothes. For example in Singapore business district.

 People working in the business district are wearing suits. 


Or you are wearing a suit, or dress, visiting Bondi beach in Australia, when the locals are dressed casually for the beach.

Singaporeans tell me that even if they are racially Chinese, in China the locals can immediately spot a Singaporean tourist.

In Orchard Road, the main shopping street in Singapore, Singaporeans say they can immediately identify the Japanese visitors. How? The Japanese are carrying lots of tote bags with the names of the central and expensive department stores, malls.


Hooker is an American word. British people might say street walker or prostitute. 

How can you tell a hooker? She is not carrying a camera or a large shopping tote bag. A hooker is showing lots of leg. She is not carrying a big bag. She is not walking along, eyes down, chatting to her friend, giggling. She is standing on a corner, near a bar or strip show, eyeing the men passing by. 


How do you spot a shoplifter? big bag or clothes to hide stolen items, or no bag because they are about to grab yours and can't be seen with two. On the other hand they are about to pass the stolen item to somebody else.


Watch out for solo pickpockets, and gangs of beggars or flower sellers who surround you. With many hands all over you, in every pocket, you cannot fight off the one hand which reaches for your wallet. 

Useful Websites

Pickpocketproof clothing

About the Author

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer. Please see my other blogs and share links with your friends

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