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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What's the difference between America and Britain (apart from politics) - the food. Campfire cooking. What is a S'more?

Hersheys S'More

You can see the Hersheys chocolate company S'more has a ark chocolate covering.

 Graham Cracker S'more

I was reading the post of a new friend on Facebook when I read the word S'more. What is a S'more? I gathered it was a food. 

Yes, like it sounds, it means a food which makes you ask for s'more. Made up of things you should not be eating, filling with sugar which gives you a high - and then a low fifteen minutes later, which is why you want to eat a whole box of chocolates after eating one chocolate. 

American Menus

American menus are written in familiar English, yet the meanings and recipes are often different.

Being from Britain, I am familiar with lemon tea, but not really one hundred percent sure about iced tea. Grits still leaves me puzzled. I know a catfish is a fish not a cat. I can work out Pie a la mode after checking dozens of times. It is pie with added ice cream. 

Buffalo Wings

I am still embarrassed when I recall telling the American restaurant server I had not received buffalo wings. I thought they were made from buffalo meat. I did not realise buffalo wings were chicken wings, in the style of the city of Buffalo.

Chocolate Brands

 I know not to compare Cadburys chocolate and Hersheys, which is like talking about sex, politics and religions. Somebody is bound to be offended if you don't believe in their brand and you have the audacity to promote another.

Although I would have a hard time remembering the name of Hersheys chocolate Kisses I remember them when I see one. You can buy them on Amazon and they come in an almond version, and nut chocolate sounds healthier to me.

In Britain we also have more chocolates, wrapped chocolates, and sweet shops, than many European and Asian countries. 


American brands are a foreign country to some British people. What is a Graham cracker?

Here it is. A Graham cracker s'more.

We do have crackers in England. Jacob's cream crackers. 

Americans have Southern States with long summers suited to campfire cookery. They take a healthy piece of fruit such as banana and add irresistibly naughty chocolate and marshmallows, not what you want stuck in your teeth on a campsite miles from the nearest 7-11 selling toothbrushes.

So, how come the Americans are famed for their perfect white teeth?

 In Britain, our summer usually takes place for twenty minutes on the third Thursday in August. However, it varies from year to year and city to city.

 We look forward to summer all year until we get a drought, and nobody can cope because nobody has air conditioning. We have hair conditioners but not air conditioners. We think we would love iced tea, if we knew which kind of tea or herbs to use, and where to find ice cube makers.

Campfire cookery

In America campfire cookery is the thing. Bananas, lovely fresh fruit, are mixed up with marshmallow and chocolate. I'm not saying the rest of the world is any different. Chocolate is a worldwide dessert favourite.

Americans are wonderful at marketing. They run neck and neck with China. Think up the most fattening and unhealthy food and American will sell it worldwide. What are the great American successes? Sugared drinks, such as Coca Cola. Fried food, such Kentucky chicken.

For years in the USA we treated our son and ourselves to McDonalds Hamburgers in order to get a free miniature plastic monster. Or something we did not recognize but had moving hands and legs. 

I was always happy with happy meals because the boxes could be turned into something else. Guess what? I was a keen collector of board games which were fascinating for five minutes but bored me after six minutes. I would drive another half an hour to find a meal offering cute little collapsible houses for three collectable cardboard dolls the size of teeth.

Italians protest that pizza was invented in America. They are missing out. The Australians and New Zelanders all claim their country invented the pavlova. I suspect if a canny American marketing man moves to Italy he will soon find the hut where a hermit invented the first puzzle pizza using a secret ingredient.

Of course, America also pioneered healthy food for the sake of being healthy. Kelloggs. If Covid-19 has done any good, it has made us think about weight and diet.

If you really need to know what is in iced tea and s'mores find the answers in these Wikipedia websites:

tempting Websites

Banana Boats

Iced tea


Hershey Kisses

About the Author Of This Post, Angela

Angela Lansbury, travel researcher/writer and photographer, author and speaker. 

Author of Wedding Speeches & Posts, Etiquette for Every Occasion, Quick Quotations, Who Said What When?

You can contact Angela through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters on Facebook or Toastmasters find a club . Angela is a member of four Toastmasters Clubs and BHA IPP, Immediate Past President, and VP PR (Vice President Public Relations) for 20202-2021

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