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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Conversations about Cancer and Covid-19 and Techniques of Persuasion

Over lunch we discussed why some countries had lower death rates and had more people obeying advice to get vaccinated. What were the essentials of the conversation? Cautionary tales about cancer and Covid-19. One relative who died from cancer was a heavy smoker. No surprise nor new lesson there.

Another couple, I heard about, the wife was religious and an anti-vaxxer and refused to take the vaccine.  Her husband who was very active in the community had cautiously taken the first dose of the vaccine - without telling her. 

Why did he not try to persuade her?

Some people cannot be persuaded.

Persuasion Technique

How can you convince somebody to take the vaccine, without alienating them from the concept and from you as the advocate? Following the Toastmasters- taught system, used in sales, and persuasion, you find two things they would agree with and get them to verbally agree. Then you relate your proposal to one or both of the concepts which they agree with. 

The Word Of God and Sacrifice

For example, they agree that you follow the rules set down by God. You remember how Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, Isaac, to obey God, but God told him not to sacrifice his son. You agree to follow any revelation from God to his VIP followers such as forefathers, priests or rabbis. If God told your priest or rabbi or spouse not to sacrifice your child to Covid-19, you would do so, wouldn't you?


Another example, a man or woman agrees with homeopathy, and plant-based food and cures, but won't take the vaccine, nor cancer treatment. Let us take the case of cancer.But some cancer treatments such as the one my husband took and cured lymphoma (in remission over 5 years)  are gathered from Madagascar, a plant called vincristine. 'Vincristine (oncovin) – derived from the Madagascar periwinkle Catharanthus roseus.' 

Now let's try to use the same method with homeopathy. Vaccines operate like homeopathic medicines; vaccines take a small amount of what makes people ill and doctors give it to you so that you develop antibodies.

Useful Websites

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