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Thursday, March 3, 2022

War in Ukraine - Lviv station - 50 miles from the border. How long to walk? Ukrainian signs

 Ukrainians are stranded on Lviv station, according to reports and pictures shown in the news on Monday Feb 28, 2022. How long to walk? 

Lviv - is about 50 miles from the border with Poland. No train tickets. I asked online: How long does it take to walk a mile? 50 miles? What do you need? Strong boots. Water. My ancestor left in 1880.

Somebody (Rupinder) replied with how long it took to walk a mile. He said 2.5 miles an hour. He walks about 4.5 a day. He said factor in fatigue. He estimates 10 miles a day, 15 on a good day. that makes 3-5 days of walking. You need 3-5 days of food and drink - which must be stocked and carried.

Somebody else said factor in rest periods. Of course, it depends on your speed.

I assume that a person with a suitcase and perhaps a child and a pet would go at the slowest pace. You would also get tired as you progressed. (Useful to practise running marathons!)

The final estimate is about 4 to 5 days. You need water. Food. (plasters for blisters.) Shelter from overhead planes. Valuables hidden from robbers or being dropped out of loose top pockets.

Maybe money to bribe guards, or to get a lift the other side to family or a refuge.

Handy to be able to speak Polish, too. Is it similar to Ukrainian?

Polish uses the Roman alphabet familiar to English speakers.

Ukrainian uses an alphabet which looks like Russian, or Cyrillic.

The Ukrainian alphabet
А аБ бВ вà 㥠ґД дЕ еЄ єЖ жЗ зИ и
І іЇ їЙ йК кЛ лМ мН нО оП пР рС с
Т тУ уФ фХ хЦ цЧ чШ шЩ щЬ ьЮ юЯ я

Mark said a strong young person could do 50 in a day. But if you allow for carrying goods, or children, longer. Now I understand those pictures of Indians riding on the tops of trains and clinging on to the outsides. Train surfing is not a good idea. Wikipedia ends with a list of fatalities, including those in Ukraine. Makes you appreciate getting a seat on a train.

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