A large stage demands that you stride purposefully from one end to the other so everybody can see you.
You can do a funny walk, look at your shoes, even lie down.
A small stage below the audience with surrounding immovable desks and a lectern hiding the lower half of a speaker is a challenge. Nobody can see your feet, no room to page and show gestures. A speech about feet or shoes or pirouetting is not a good idea.

Singapore flag
I went back to the UK from Singapore and gave a speech in a contest. The speech was about my experience in Singapore.
I had a humorous speech which involved my borrowing shoes from a person in the front row and clomping about.

UK flag
The area contest was at the London Business school, in England, UK.
Nobody could see me taking the shoes off the man. They could not see the size of his shoes.
My speech did not go down so well. The jokes were missed. I was demoralized and did not speak at my best. Later I realized I should have lifted the shoes in the air and made faces at them. I could have pretended to take them off and try to put them under my arms, on my shoulders, on my notes.
Those who knew the venue because it was where their club met had speeches prepared to take into account the venue and make use of its large screen.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, speaker and teacher of business English and other languages.
You can do a funny walk, look at your shoes, even lie down.
A small stage below the audience with surrounding immovable desks and a lectern hiding the lower half of a speaker is a challenge. Nobody can see your feet, no room to page and show gestures. A speech about feet or shoes or pirouetting is not a good idea.

Singapore flag
I went back to the UK from Singapore and gave a speech in a contest. The speech was about my experience in Singapore.
I had a humorous speech which involved my borrowing shoes from a person in the front row and clomping about.

UK flag
The area contest was at the London Business school, in England, UK.
Nobody could see me taking the shoes off the man. They could not see the size of his shoes.
My speech did not go down so well. The jokes were missed. I was demoralized and did not speak at my best. Later I realized I should have lifted the shoes in the air and made faces at them. I could have pretended to take them off and try to put them under my arms, on my shoulders, on my notes.
Those who knew the venue because it was where their club met had speeches prepared to take into account the venue and make use of its large screen.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, speaker and teacher of business English and other languages.
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