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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Flags with Suns and Stars and Moons and A Prayer For Faith ToThe Universe

Some countries' flags show the sun.

Other flag show the stars. (New Zealand and Australia.)

My friend, Faith, who was ill, asked us for prayers. Here is my prayer for her and everybody. She fell sick and did not answer the phone, so people started sending her prayers through Facebook.

Prayer to the Universe (For Faith)

We thank the world for granting us another day, with eyes to see the universe, to see the sun at dawn, the heat of mid-day, with the clouds which blow past, revealing the blue sky beyond.

Into every life a little rain must fall. We thank the universe for the rain which waters the plants,

We thank the universe for he sunset which tells us to stop work and rest, to hear the patter of rain or the power of thunder. When we see happy families we share their joy. When we yearn for those who have gone before, we look at the happy families and know that we are part of the chain and more laughing children will bring us flowers and ask us to share our knowledge if we only smile welcome. aT NIGHT WE SEE A VAST BLACK SKY but within it for centuries the little white stars have been winking in their proper places to juide us and tell us north from south, to help us on our way.

A million men and women before us have helped, men who drew maps, men and women who grew our food and made our clothes, and built our roads, and built the planes and trains and cars and cicyles, the colles and toys, the photos and videos, the cleaners who protected us and the doctors who healed us and the communicators who passed on the knowledge.

We have been blessed by hearing the moments of joy and sadness, and questions and answers and the cuationary tales, and the folly and wisom, the mistakes and remedies, the sinesses and cures. We have been dealt blows and survived them. Yesterdys struggle, so many of them, are already forgotten, for we have passed on the greet new people, new places, new times and new challenges and new joys.

The universe is so complicated. Yes, yet it is so simple.  The sun comes up so we can se where we are going. The sun goes down so we can rest undisturbed. The water and sun gorw the plants. Even the weeds such as the stinging nettle can be made into soup, and the dock leaves frown near the nettles so that when we step carelessly without looking and get stung, if we look around carefully we can find the dock leaves which will sotthe us.

We have a universe of people who could be friends or enemies.. We can find friends or make friends. We pray for our friends who are tired and sick. We pray for our friends, we pray that our enemies will see the truth, AS WE ADMIT WE WERE WRONG AND SEE The truth, we will find Faith, again, and not simply pray, because God helps those who help themselves. For hope.

About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
I and my family have lived in the UK, Spain, the USA and Singapore. I am a trave writer and phtographer and teacher of English A level and English as a foreign language.

Please come to a Toastmasters International Club where the English clubs have a langauge evaluator or grammarian.  We also have French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Tamil and clubs based in Singapore and many more online around the world which because of Covid-19 are now meeting online.

I am President of Braddell Heights Advanced, meeting every Wednesday, on zoom the first Wednesday of the month but the other wednesdays are workshops on app
Or quicker,

Time Zones
In Singapore we are on the same time zone as Malaysia, Hong Kong, and China (Beijing and Shanghai).
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