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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Check the temperature at your destination: charts, clothes, insects, fans, timers

32 degrees centigrade. Photo by Angela Lansbury.


Today in Singapore the temperature is just under 32 degrees centigrade which is over 90 degrees fahrenheit. How do we know and remember that?


You might like to print out a temperature chart and stick it in your diary. 

Check your diary's information pages. Some diaries have a conversion chart which you never noticed or have forgotten.

Many newspapers have temperature charts worldwide on the back pages. In the USA some papers show the temperature in the different states. In winter in the north, traditionally the Canadians fly south to Venezuela, which is on the north coast of south America. We used to fly from the UK via Singapore and Australia to New Zealand in the long summer break in July or August to take our son skiing in New Zealand. The Australians fly in their long summer over Christmas to London in the UK.

Packing For Heat and Cold

What does this temperature mean when you start packing? Firstly, if you are flying to a tropical country or packing for a holiday, have some layered clothes so you can be cool at your hot destination. This includes a protective hat.

(See later post.)

Warm Wrap

However, pack a light, warm wrap so that at night, or in an air conditioned hotel, you can cover up. 

You might also want to cover up against insects. In Singapore we have signs warning about malaria and dengue from mosquitos. (A friend of mine has just come down with dengue.)

It is handy to have a unisex jacket in case your partner complains that their restaurant seat is under the air conditioning whilst you are fine in your seat.

We Wipes And Tissues

You may want to shower or wash frequently, or carry disposable wet wipes. Or tissues so you can wash and dry.

Quick-Dry Washable Clothes

In the fortnight before I pack, I note which clothes dry quickly overnight, or feel cool in hot weather.

Folding Umbrella

You might want to carry a small folding umbrella in your hand luggage. Especially if your handbag or backpack is not waterproof or you want to protect a mobile phone or computer as well as passports and documents.

Printed Documents

I print out my travel documents, the ticket, airline seat, any directions to the lounge, the regulations on the amount of wine and perfumes you can import. 

Flower & Fruit Regulations

Check if you can take flowers, or potted plants, or corsages, if going to or from a wedding or birthday party. 

Insects, Repellents and Perfumes

To avoid attracting insects in tropical or hot months You might prefer insect repellent perfumes. Consider lavender, or lemon (citronella).

You might also want to pack some kind of insect repellent, suncream, and sting relief. Preferably not a large spray which might be confiscated or explode. A small cream, ideally in main luggage. Rather than in hand luggage where it could get confiscated. 

But what if hand luggage goes missing or is delayed, with your insect repellent inside? 

Hotels And Insect Protection

Heat means insects. We arrived at our hotel in Bali, Indonesia, and insects flew straight into our bedroom. The time was too late at night to unpack because we were tired and it was bedtime. Or you wait for luggage to be delivered by the porter, before you have time to unpack? Ask for insect repellent (which might be a burning coil) and protective nets.

In a home or hotel room it may be cheaper to open two doors or windows to create a draft, or to use a ceiling fan or floor fan rather than running the air conditioning.

If the fan makes a noise, you can use the fan before and after your zoom call. You can improvise a paper fan from a concertinered piece of paper. You can stiffen it with a lolly stick.

Crumbs and Wrappers

In the UK in winter and in cold countries you could leave the wrapper from a chocolate bar on the table, an unwashed cup, an empty drinks can, or crumbs on the work surface or under the dining table. In Singapore you would come back an hour later in your hotel bedroom or your home as an ex-pat and find a line of ants. 

I disturbed a cockroach having a drink or bath in my wet swim shoes.

Hot weather is great for sunbathing, having set your phone alarm to limit the time. Hot weather is great for swimming outdoors, (having set your phone alarm or counted the number of widths and timed them).  

In Singapore it rains in the afternoon in April and May. So you need to swim in the morning. I swim before breakfast so as not to swim on a full stomach. 

Once you know the temperature, day and night, indoors and outdoors you can prepare and pack well.

Useful Websites

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