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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Safest Seats On A Plane?

 View from a Singapore Airlines plane window. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

You can sit by the window for a view and photos. But you can ask the window seat passenger to take a photo for you. 

You can sit in an aisle seat to get into your seat fast on boarding, and out fast on departure. And out to the toilet easily during the flight.  And no disturbance from anybody else wanting to get out to the toilet. 

But which is the safest seat? Most experts, as well as passengers commenting, say sit at the back. They argue,  humorously or seriously, planes don't back into mountains. 

The rich sit in the front. Or take private planes and small planes which crash more. They also take off in bad weather. They are risk takers.

Serious and Sad Answers

Most planes from high have no survivors. You would lose consciousness before you had time to brace. The plane which splits in two gives you no better chance at the back. At the back you would be doused in gasoline.

Humorous Answers

Sit on the black box. Sit on the wing. Sit in the airport lounge. Sit at home. You could avoid travel and take a boat, so long as no planes fly into your boat. The worst seat is next to a two year old. If a plane crashes the safest place is not in it Nor underneath it.

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