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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Pretty, Picturesque Potes in the Picos in Spain

The Road To Potes

The Picos are the peaks. The road to Potes is a series of s bends with 'no overtaking' notices as you approach corners. 

The rocks loom overhead. the river appears and disaapears, near or far below. In some places there are barriers just as you reach the bend. In other places you are dependent upon the judgement of your driver and the oncoming traffic. Fortunately, the road has road has potholes and road works with lights which stop you speeding too fast to try to make up time. 

Pictureque Potes

Potes is an oasis. Toilets. Food. Shops. People. Parking for free in the central car park. Civilisation. But not modern. Histor. Rustic. Quaint. Cute.  

Potes has been called the prettiest small town in Spain. It has everything. You drive through it, down narrow streets, past the overhanging old balconies, past the increasingly busy restaurants and shops, across the bridge over the river. 

Paths and Places In Potes

The town has more than one bridge, so you see one from the other. Restaurants with terraces and parasols are all around, at the top, down b the river, midway.You glimpse arcades of souvenir and pastry shops, and alleys with seats in the street.

In the centre of town is a small church. Beside it is welcome centre come tourist board with hibitons. I saw embroideries. 

Torre Del Infantada

Torre means tower in Spanish. Next to the main square with free parking and the church is a tower, which as previously the town hall and is now an exhbition centre as well as having the top floor open air viewpoint over the area. 

The tower charges a modest 3 Euros (no reduction for sentions. 

You can take the lift to the battlements at the top for a view over the town's old buildings and the river. 

The Potes Tower

The tower houses exhibitons. When I was there the ground floor had figures from medieval times in costume. 

Downstairs were musical instruments, unlike modern ones.

Upstairs were two or three more floors or exhbits. Unfortuantely the griends in my group wanted to go off for doffee or drinks and food overlooking the river.

I made three stops in Potes. The first was for a coffee in one of the coffee shops and snack bars in the pretty pedestrian alleys.

The second was the tower and exhbitions.

Wine In Potes

The third was to the distillery and winery. (See next post.) 

Other items to notice.

A statue honours a local musicion.

Useful Websites

Bodega Picos, Potes.


Ctra. N122 Km 55,4

50520 Magallón (Zaragoza), España

Tel. +34 976 863 006



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