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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Taberna in Toro - surprising little place, hiding a 200 year old winery

Toro sign. Photo b Angela Lansbury.

 You drive uphill from the empty plain, past vineyards. At the top are the town square, deserted. We went down a few one way streets which got too narrow. We had to back up a steep uphill. A maze of streets too steep and narrow.  

Scary. I was alarmed. I was cross.

I wanted a drink. I wanted a toilet. 

We stopped at a bar with a couple of barrels outside the entrance. 

Don't judge a book by its cover, they say. I was hot and tired. I was not happy flicking away flies at the entrance. The six backless seats were already occupied,  beside barrels, already occupied by others' drinks. I frowned and decided not to go in. But my husband had already set off. Inside, he hailed the barman, and ordered a glass of wine.

La Vina Del Abuelo

Toro. Spain. La Vina del Abuelo. Photo by Angela Lansbury

Bored, I walked inside away from the flies at the entrance into the cool interior in search of a ladies toilet. 

I found it. Refreshed, I emerged.

Indoors, I looked around and I was rewarded with a fine arch of bottles. 

I saw a intriguing surved staircase. I wondered what was upstairs. I asked if I could look upstairs. The barman happily agreed.

Secret Upstairs

At the top of the stiarcase was an elegant balcony restaurant. I stepped forward towards the far picture window. I found it overlooking what seemed to be a church. 

Secret Downstairs Wine Barrels

I went downstiars. My hsuband had got talking to the barman, who opened a couple of old doors. Another secret revealed.

He revealed an entire winery of giant old barrels, all still in use. Abuelo is Spanish for grandfather. Historic. Grandfather's wines from grandfather's winery.\

Wine barrels. Toro. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Secret Shop

The final surprise was another doorway, revealing a well stocked little shop with food and drink and souvenirs.

Secret History

Their website reveals that the winery was 200 years old.

Abuelo means grandfather. Vino is wine but vinya  (the diacriic above the n make it into ny) is vineyard.

Useful Website

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