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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hot To Learn Italian Quickly, Free, Reguarly

 I am learning Italian on Duolingo. I do it on my laptop at home. I do it on my mobile phone on the train and while waiting at stations. 

I am now in the Obsidian league. I am in the top five of 30 local learners. The Duolingo system tells you how you rate in a set of 30 people. The top five are promoted to the next league.

It is an incentive to keep doing another exercise when you see you need only a dozen points to overtake the person above you in the league.

My husband is travelling to Italy on separate trips at different times of  year. He also wants to learn Italian. 

So, at lunch time, I read to him from my ooozu card. It is credit card size. It is small enough to go in the pocket of a jacket, or a mobile phone.

Side one starts with easy words. I read the English and he says the Italian.

I also have the trilingual English Spanish Italian book.

If I wear teaching English to somebody who spoke Spanish or Italian, I could do the reverse, using the same three sources. 

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