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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Second Steps In Learning Norwegian

How do I tell male from female.

Look at the letters and match them with the English.

Norwegian - English
en - a / an

Gutt - boy (he's a good boy)
(en) kvinne - woman  (the v looks like a w, the letter n is an both k v i n e and woman I Know she is a woman)
en jente - a girl (a gentle little girl, j and g sound similar)
eple - apple (looks very similar, last three letters the same say e p l e and it sounds like apple)
er - is (pronounced like are!)
han - he (letter a like the word Man or Mann)
hun - she (pronounced like the word wOman)
ikke - not (looks like icky - not what I want)
Jeg - I (capital J looks like I)
og - and (but don't pronounce the g)

English - Norwegian
a/an - en
and - og
apple - e p l e
boy - gutt
girl - dente
I - Jeg
not - ikke

However, the words are not pronounced the way they are written. You must listen to the words on

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, teacher of English and learner of other languages. Please share links to my posts.

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