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Wednesday, June 30, 2021
What can you see in the UK flag?
See Life Size Elephant Statues In The Green Park in London, England, Promoted by Princess Eugene
UK flag
More than 100 life size Wooden Elephants to publicize wild life charity CoExistence in Green Park, London, England. See them while you can. They were originally near Buckingham Palace. The exhibition is up for a month. Sponsored by Savills.
Elephants carved by people in Tamil Nadu in India who live near elephants.
Why in London? What has this got to do with us? A charity for elephants was created by the brother of one of the UK royals.
The London tube station Green Park is opposite one of the park's entrances, with station exits on both sides of the road.
If you would rather go green, a cycle track links many places in London.
Pictures are in my Pinterest and on my Facebook page.
The elephants were previously in St James's Park. They have been and will be at various locations since May and will remain until mid July. Eventually they will be sold off to raise funds for the charity.
The headline sponsor is the Italian perfume house Xerjoff.
More shortly
Useful Websites
Daily Mail
Evening Standard
About the author
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Malay words which look and sound similar to English or are easy to remember
Flag of Malaysia - looks like the flag of the USA.
.Malay (alphabetically)-English
anda you/your
atau or (i think of the English word alternative with the letter a and t at the start, another letter a in the middle and U or V at the end)
baharu new (as in the city of Johor Bahru across the straits from Singapore)
boleh able (I think of able-bodied, able is boleh, boleh is able)
cara how
dan and (The same three letters in a different order)
doktor doctor
farmasi - pharmacy/ pharmacies
kedua shop
klip - clip
lokasi location
mesti must
Ogos - August
oksigen oxygen
orang person/people (as in orang utang)
pasar market
pasar raya supermarket
raya (think of raja) king, queen , super
symtom - symptom
English (alphabetically)-Malay
clip - klip
free percuma
how cara
market pasar
must mesti
new - bahru/baharu
or atau
oxygen - oksigen
oxymeter oksimeter
please sila
supermarket pasar raya
symptom - symtom
why mengapa
you/your anda
About the author
Angela Lansbury is Vice President Public Relations of Braddell Heights Advanced, and Tampines Changkat Advanced, speakers training club which are part of Toastmasters International. The USA has several Spanish speaking as well as the English speaking clubs. You can pick up Spanish from buying or reading online their Spanish clubs welcome pages and manuals.
In The USA, UK, Singapore and worldwide, there are many clubs which are English speaking, as well as Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, French, Tamil, Malay.
The inauguration of Tampines Changkat Advanced was Tuesday 29 2021, online on zoom. Their meetings are on the fourth Tuesday evening of the month. They hope to hold meetings with a few people meeting physically, the others online, as soon as the Covid-19 conditions allow.
You can find the club through their facebook page as well as through Toastmasters International find a club.
The meetings are free for visitors. Visitors can watch, and join in speaking by introducing themselves and volunteering to do a 2 minutes impromptu speech in table topics.
If you wish to join for a year, it costs about 190 US dollars, to have monthly meetings online, a mentor, a magazine, and one of the 11 Pathways, consisting of 14 projects. Each project starts with 3 speeches of your choice of subject, lasting 4 to 6 minutes, then 5 to 7 minutes. The Pathways include the most popular Presentation Mastery. I chose humorous speaking as my second Pathway, costing 20 dollars. Then my third was a leadership course. Come and see for free.
The club also has meetings in person in Singapore
You can also contact my other club, smaller Braddell Heights Advanced, which is a cosy little club with more chances to speak.
Login through
That will link you through to Zoom or googlemeet. 2 pm to 5 pm.
BHA meets the first Wednesday evening each month, starting at 7 pm Singapore time.
Then an extra meeting on the 3rd Saturday afternoon, starting at 2 pm Singapore time.
To check your time zone,
Meetings will be on Wed July 7th and Saturday July 17th.
Contact either of these or other clubs through Toastmasters International Find a Club.
more later
Do you speak 100 words of Spanish?
I was asked this by a language learning website. So I sat down to create a list. Some I got from memories of place names. I had to be careful not to include Italian. Here is my list.
Spanish -
1 sombrero - hat
2 manana - tomorrow (morning)
3 adios - goodbye
4 amigo(s) - friend (s)
5 los - the plural is in Los Angeles, and las as in Las Palmas?
6 angeles - angels
7 palmas - palms
8 villa - house
9 holla - hi/hello
10 hermosa- beautiful/sweet?
11 bella - beautiful (Spanish and Italian?)
12 bella - beautiful
13 vista - view
14 pequeno - small
15 grande - large (as in Rio Grande)
16 rio - river
17 la - the
18 mare - sea
19 plaza - square
20 frontera - frontier
21 la - the
22 playa - beach
23 piscina - pool
24 gato - cat
25 perro - dog
26 pesce - fish (Italian)
27 via - way/road
28 uno
29 dos
30 tres
31 quatro
32 cinque
33 hoy - this/today
34 nero - black
35 hola - hello
36 verde green
37 rosa red
38 quinta corner
39 mia my
40 nos our
41 nino boy
42 nina girl
43 copa cup/vase?
44 sopa soup/soap?
45 esta this
46 es is
47 muy very
48 san saint as in San Francisco
49 tia aunt as in tia maria the drink
50 tio uncle
51 torre torres towers
52 lampa -lamp
53 bandera flag
54 acqua water
55 nonos children
56 bebe baby
57 molinos windmills (torremolinos - windmill towers)
58 de of / del of the
59 frontera frontier
60 blanco white
61 vino wine
62 mas much more
63 bonita beautiful
64 senor sir
65 senora lady or madam
66 senorita - miss
67 argenta/argentina - silver
68 costa - coast (Costa del Sol sunny coast)
69 sol sun
70 la the
71 telefona telephone
72 azucar sugar
73 cafe coffee
74 es is
75 no - not
76 elefanta
77 elegante - elegant
78 infanta - daughter, infant
79 castille - castle (castello Italian?)
80 desayuno - breakfast
81 noches - night buenos noches good night
82 real royal
83 morte - dead
84 cava - cave as in cava wine from storage in caves
85 bodega - wine shop/cellar Mdeira ne bar
86 tinto dark red or tinted
87 barca boat
88 siete seven
89 ocho eight
90 nove nine
91 quiero I want
92 gracias thanks (muchas gracias many thanks)
93 jardin garden (the same as the French. Jardim is Portuguese - I learned in Madeira)
94 por - for
95 alto high (same as Italian?)
96 cielo sky
97 montana - mountain, as in the US state
98 bicycleta - bicycle
99 ronda/rondo? - round (as in the town of that name in southern Spain)
100 escola - school (same as Malay/Indonesian?)
The question was, do you know 1000 words of Spanish? So I must have 1001, with a couple of extras in case some of them are Italian.
1 capella cap (as in a capella singing without musical instruments)
2 que what (the Italian song is Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be)
3 bluson blouse
4 la grande - the big one, the Xmas day lottery in Spain
5 felicitas - happy/good wishes/congrats
6 natale/navidad -birth xmas day
7 ave as in ave Maria, our - Italian?
8 chiesa church or cheese quiesa
9 flores flowers
10 vero real
11 cuio - leather (Italian on shoes)
12 citron - lemon
13 balcon - balcony
lucky / good luck
Useful websites
duolingo (free, with ads) (free)
helloChinese (free)
Spanish speaking Toastmasters International clubs
toastmasters international find a club
About the author
Angela Lansbury is Vice President Public Relations of Braddell Heights Advanced and Tampines Changkat Advancedgual, speakers training club which are part of Toastmasters International. The USA has several Spanish speakings as well as the English speaking clubs. You can pick up Spanish from buying or reading online their Spanish cubs welcome pages and manuals.
In The USA, UK, Singapore and worldwide there are many clubs which are English speaking, as well as Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, French, Tamil, Malay.
The inauguration of Tampines Changkat Advanced is today, Tuesday 29 2021, online on zoom.
You can find the club through their facebook page
The meetings are free for visitors. Visitors can watch, and join in speaking by introducing themselves and volunteering to do a 2 minutes impromptu speech in table topics.
If you wish to join for a year, it costs about 190 US dollars, to have monthly meetings online, a mentor, a magazine, and one of the 11 Pathways, consisting of 14 project. Each project starts with 3 speeches of your choice of subject, lasting 4 to 6 minutes, then 5 to 7 minutes. The Pathways include the most popular Presentation Mastery. I chose humorous speaking as my second Pathway, costing 20 dollars. Then my third was a leadership course. Come and see for free.
The club also has meetings in person in Singapore
You can also contact my other club, smaller Braddell Heights Advanced, which is a cosy little club with more chances to speak.
Contact either of these or other clubs through Toastmasters International Find a Club.
more later
Monday, June 28, 2021
Travel, Quarantine, Absence, Silence, Texting, Polite Enquiries and Expressing Sympathy
When you are travelling people text you and get irate when there is no reply.
You have to alert them to the fact that you will be out of touch. You do not have to tell them that you are away from home or which country you are in.
You should also be understanding about people who do not reply. If somebody does not reply, see things from their point of view.
What could be the matter?
They are asleep in a different time zone.
They are at work in a different time zone.
They have crossed the time line. Your weekday is their weekend off. Your weekend off is their weekday at work.
They are ordering airline seats and meals and cannot stop or they lose what they have just spent 20 minutes typing.
They are packing.
They are hunting for suitcase keys.
They are phoning for a taxi.
They are in a plane with no access to wifi or asked to switch off during take off and landing.
They are in a long airport security queue where use of cameras and phone is banned.
They are being interrogated by security on exit.
They are pushing a trolley.
They are directing a taxi driver.
They are greeting long-lost friends and family.
They are meeting neighbours.
They are ordering food.
They are dealing with dust, mould, weeds, leaks, defrosted food, repairs, gardeners.
They are burgled and need to deal with police, insurance company, window repairs, door repairs, receipts for the items stolen.
They are dealing with doctors, dentists, opticians, eye test and fames, hospital appointments, banks and unsurance, council tax, subscriptions, undelivered mail.
They are driving along the motorway.
They are at a rest stop using the bathroom and washing hands.
They are watching their suitcase and car.
They are watching surroundings for pickpockets in a street or market or crowd or empty street.
They are hurrying home after dark and need to watch the paving stones, tree roots and traffic.
They are speaking on stage.
They are in the audience where all are asked to switch off phones or leave phones by the door.
They are cooking meals. They are washing up.
They are buying gifts for a visit.
They are visiting long lost friends and family and meeting new people.
They are holding a baby, or toddler, or babysitting.
They are swimming or playing tennis, or another sport.
They are in the bathroom, shower or bath where their phone must be kept out of water and they won't want to accidentally broadcast sound and vision.
They are visiting dying relatives at home or hospital. They want to give the patient their full attention and not answer 500 people on Facebook and whatsapp asking can we chat.
They are in a motorway accident.
Or just filling up with petrol.
They are in a supermarket queue buying petrol.
They are at a wedding or funeral.
They are dealing with a lawyer or handing the executing documents and reporting deaths. The execution of a will, sending off numbers and particulars.
They are hunting for credit cards and pin numbers. Or for their passport.s
If somebody does not reply, or does not turn up, and they usually do so, it is not appropriate to get angry and demand why are you not answering me. It would be more reasonable and kinder, and more likely to get a result if you showed goodwill, and concern by asking, is everything okay?
They could be ill or have a sick family member. If other people are nearby, they might not want to reveal the reason. They are not going to stand next to their dying relative shouting, "He's gonna die any minute!"
So, remember these suggestions>
Don't take it (silence) personally.
Don't demand a long, detailed reply.
If a person is in a crisis situation they may be too busy.
Or, too anxious to answer a direct question.
Silence After Bereavement
I was once asked a question on the phone by a representative of a Commonwealth war graves commission. They asked, "When did he die. How old was he?"
The young age at which my mother's first husband died suddenly hit me. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out.
The death was in WWII. Neither the person asking the question, nor I, expected me to suddenly get upset.
I suddenly and unexpectedly completely lost my voice.
A little sympathy goes a long way.
On another occasion I called my neighbour. She answered, "You sound a bit out of breath. Are you okay?"
I replied, "Yes - I'm okay, but - my mother just died!"
She answered, "Where are you? By the front door? Stay there. Open the door. I'm coming right over."
What if the silence is from somebody on holiday and you need a quick answer to a question, for example, about money.
If you are calling from overseas to somebody who has not called back about a responsibility, you can phone.
We had a club treasurer who was away overseas. We did not want to disturb him when he was on holiday. Eventually we called. We found out he was at a funeral.
When phoning, you could offer,
"Is this a convenient moment? What time is it there?"
"Are you okay? Is everybody else at your end okay? Is there anything I can do to help? Is there anybody I can inform? Do you need anybody to cover for you?"
"Have you any idea when you might return? How long are you likely to be needed there?"
"Is there a better time for me to talk to you? Feel free to call me back. When is there a good time to call you?"
Try to end on a positive note.
"It was good talking to you. I am glad you are okay."
Respect their privacy.
"I can tell people for you, if you would like me to. Who should I tell? I will tell everybody/Where should people send message of sympathy?"
Alternatively, if appropriate, "I won't tell anybody. I won't tell them yet. We can leave it until you get back. That's fine. I understand."
A friend of mine was having a stressful day and complained that two years ago somebody had told her they wished she would die. Six other people had already replied with supportive messages saying the writer was a great person.
I thought, two years ago is a long time and time to stop worrying and move on. I thought, in the long run we are all dead. But the insulting person had wanted death straight away. That did not happen. My friend had survived that day and two more years, and might well lead a long life,
Samaritans Of Singapore
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
About the author
See previous posts.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Packing for quarantine and converting clothes Dress 259 Pink man's shirt converted into a woman's jacket
The sleeves were too long, the buttons did up the wrong way and the collar was too stiff. The material was fine. The garment had several lovely buttons. The colour was great, girly pink.
I turned the cuffs inside out, and folded them up the inside of the sleeve, not once but twice.
I folded the buttons down the front to the inside, and the buttonholes on the other side. How to keep this in place? Ironing?
No. Quicker than that. I used a duck clip. I possess two of them, so one at the top and one further down. The clip holds the jacket in place and conceals the buttons and buttonholes.
Lastly the neck. I could cut it off to make a mandarin collar. However, I was in a hurry. So I just turned the collar to the inside. I had a new outfit for our next family meal and photo.
The label is Limited Collection, which is Marks & Spencer.
Useful Websites
About the Author
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, is a semi-retired travel writer still researching bucket list countries and seeking out the special, unusual, people, places, landmarks, hotels, museums and trails, fabulous foods, recipes, clothes and online souvenir shopping.
Angela Lansbury is a member of Toastmasters International.
Angela Lansbury B A Hons is the author of ten books by regular publishers plus another ten self-published books.
About Angela The Speaker & Trainer
Angela Lansbury is a teacher of English and other languages to Toastmasters clubs and businesses.
Angela has several blogs speeches, comedy and song writing and organizing, writing intermittently, but writes almost daily on these three:
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