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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Christmas is Coming

Sleeping Santa at Cashew Heights Condo, Singapore. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Christmas is coming. The decorated plastic fir tree is adorning the poolside at Cashew Heights Condo in Singapore. Santa is ready to be awoken from his summer slumber.   The Singaporean children have started their long 7 week break, November to December. They return to school January 2nd. The swimming class teacher was waiting in vain hope for a pupil to turn up. But, he told me, all the children were away on holiday with their parents.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How To Shelter From The Rain, and Borrow, Lend and Repair umbrellas, Copying the Singapore Style


Waterproof fabric in pretty colours, cut from discarded, broken umbrellas. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

1a Where is the rain  1b And when? 
2 Where are the new umbrellas to buy or borrow? 
3 Where are broken umbrellas?  
4 What use are broken umbrellas? 
5 Is it possible to repair them? 
6 What can you retrieve?
1a I used to be puzzled that it was pouring with rain in my area of Singapore, yet friends or family on the other side of the island were enjoying sunshine. Why?

One side of the island is wetter and therefore greener. Water grows plants, greenery. Worth remembering where it is dry if you want to sunbathe and swim or go out working, visiting and shopping. And you want to wear summery clothes. The other side is wetter. Good if you are a keen gardener and want to grow plants , without constantly watering them. Good if you like to wear coats or jackets with hoods. Good for a matching umbrella to look coordinated or act as a concealed purpose or double use walking stick.

1b In Singapore it rains in the afternoon. So I need to swim first thing in the morning. The same goes for shopping. You set off in sunshine before lunch. You get caught in an afternoon downpour.

Rain was a serious problem. I could not swim in the rain. I could not go out because the rain damaged my shoes and the hem of my skirts. I tried investing in carrying a small foldable umbrella or a child's umbrella.

2 You can buy umbrellas in 7-11, supermarkets, and department stores. Small umbrellas protected my hair from getting wet, my clothes from changing colour where splashed with water, and my glasses from raindrops obscuring my vision. But side swiping rain wetted my bags and the contents, books, notebooks and newspapers.

Singapore is constantly improving. A covered way was built from local schools to the nearest railway station. This protected the children and their clothes and homework books and text books. And helped me.

The covered way often did not cross the main roads, nor side roads. Why not? In some places it did but was only partially effective.To allow double decker buses and high vehicles to pass, the roof is so high that it lets in rain blown diagonally at the sides.

Borrowed Umbrellas
Smart Singapore installed sponsored umbrellas at crossings. You picked them up from one side of the road and dropped them off the other side. 

3 Sometimes I was caught in rain without an umbrella. I prayed for an umbrella. Once in a while an umbrella magically appeared by the side of the path. This happened several times. 

At first I thought people had left umbrellas because they were dripping wet and a nuisance. So the umbrella was parked outside a home or office or shopping mall and the owner would collect it on the way back. 

Sometimes the umbrellas were closed, and had a broken bit sticking out. Sometimes they were open and lopsided, obviously broken and lopsided. This left the umbrella only partially effective and inelegant. If the fabric had become detached a dangerous spike could strike your companions or people walking towards you.

4 On one occasion I was caught in the rain and a discarded misshapen umbrella was better than nothing. It got me home more or less dry. I left it by the door.  

The next day an acquaintance called. Just before he left it started raining. He asked to borrow an umbrella and was happy to take the broken one.

The abandoned umbrella had helped two people. It was still useful.

The next time I photographed myself in dress of the day, I looked for a brolly as a prop.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Repainted buses with bathrooms and bedrooms as hotels in Changi Village, Singapore

Flag of Singapore.


An amusing idea. Saving obsolete buses by turning them into hotels. So up to the minute. Opens Dec 1st 2023.

Years ago I went on a bus turned into a travelling hotel.

For years the Germans ran tours on buses with sleepers, bunk beds, upstairs. 

Useful Websites

Double Dutch - learn double the words in half the time

The Netherlands is the land of windmills, clogs and canals. Famous people include Rembrandt, Van Gogh, and Anne Frank. 

I am learning Dutch. 

What an easy language. Like simplified German, modified English. i am learning on Duolingo. 

Why learn Dutch?

It is spoken in The Netherland but not only in the Netherlands. It is also spoken in the half of Belgium. Plus South Africa. And a former Dutch area of South America. And lots of Dutch words are in Indonesian.

Every year I take a hiking holiday. Our group includes people from German and Holland. I have already finished the Duolingo German course. Now I have started the Dutch.

Let me do a quick check of the easy words I have learned. I have put my memory aids at the end of each line.

Dutch - English

appel - apple

boek - book (starts with the same two letters)

boterham - sandwich (The word looks like butter with ham. I think of a ham sandwich.)

Een (pronounced en) - an/a

goed - good

het - the (same letters, but in Danish the t moves to the end of the word)

Hij (pronounced hi) - he/it

Ik - I

je - you

jongens  - boys like young ones, starting with J like the Jack in a pack of cards)

Jullie - you (plural, like the American You all)

Kind - child (like a shorter version of the German word for child, Kinder, in kindergarden)

melk - milk

menu - menu

English - Dutch

a/an - een

apple - appel

book - boek

good - goed

he/it - hij

I - Ik

milk - melk

menu - menu

sandwich - boterham

the - het

you - je / Jullie (you plural)

A few more words

Ja. (YAH)
Nee. (NAY)
Help! (HEHLP!)

Where is the toilet?
Waar is het toilet? (wahr is hut twah-LET?)
Politie! (poh-LEET-see!)
Stop! Thief!
Stop! Dief! (STOP! DEEF!)
I need your help.
Ik heb uw hulp nodig. (ick HEP uu HULP noh-duhg)
It's an emergency.
Het is een noodgeval. (hut IS uhn NOWT-guh-vahl)
I'm lost.
Ik ben verdwaald. (ick BEN vuhr-DWAHLT)
I'm sick.
Ik ben ziek. (ick ben ZEEK)
I'm injured.
Ik ben gewond. (ick ben ghuh-WONT)
I need a doctor.
Ik heb een dokter nodig. (ick hep uhn DOCK-tuhr no-duhg)
Can I use your phone?
Mag ik uw telefoon gebruiken? (MAHG ick uuw tay-luh-PHOHN ghuh-BROWK-kuhn?)


een (AIN)
twee (TWAY)
drie (DREE)
vier (VEER)
vijf (VAYF)
zes (ZEHS)
zeven (ZAY-vuhn)
acht (AHGT)
negen (NAY-guhn)

Good morning.
Goedemorgen. (GOO-duh-MORE-gun)
Good afternoon.
Goedemiddag. (GOO-duh-MIH-dahgh)
Good evening.
Goedenavond. (Goo-duh-NAH-vunt)
Good night.
Goedenavond. (Goo-duh-NAH-vunt)
Good night (to sleep)
Slaap lekker. (SLAHP LECK-uhr)
maandag (MAHN-dahg)
dinsdag (DINSS-dahg)
woensdag (WOONS-dahg)
donderdag (DON-duhr-dahg)
vrijdag (VRAY-dahg)
zaterdag (ZAH-tuhr-dahg)
zondag (ZON-dahg)


januari (jahn-uu-AH-ree)
februari (fay-bruu-AH-ree)
maart (MAHRT)
april (ah-PRIL)
mei (MAY)
juni (YUU-nee)
juli (YUU-lee)
augustus (ow-GHUS-tus)
september (sep-TEM-buhr)
oktober (ock-TOW-buhr)
november (no-VEM-buhr)
december (day-SEM-buhr)


zwart (ZWAHRT)
wit (WHIT)
grijs (GREYS)
rood (ROWT)
blauw (BLAW)
geel (GHAYL)
groen (GHROON)
oranje (oh-RAHN-yuh)
paars (PAHRS), purper (PUHR-puhr)
bruin (BRUYN)
Can you show me on the map?
Kunt u mij dat op de kaart tonen? (KUNT uu may daht op duh KAHRT TOW-nuhn)
straat (STRAHT)
Turn left.
Sla links af. (slah LINKS ahf)
Turn right.
Sla rechts af. (slah REGHTS ahf)
links (LINKS)
rechts (REGHTS)
straight ahead
rechtdoor (REGH-dore)
towards the _____
naar _____ (NAHR)
richting ______ (righ-ting)
past the _____
na de/het _____ (NAH duh/hut)
voorbij (VORE-bye)
before the _____
voor de/het _____ (VORE duh/hut)
noorden (NOHR-duhn)
zuiden (ZIGH-duhn)
oosten (OHS-tuhn)
westen (WES-tuhn)
ontbijt (ont-BAIYT)
lunch (lunch)
tea (meal)
vieruurtje (VEER-uuhr-chuh)
avondeten (AH-vunt-ay-tun)
kip (kip)
rundvlees (RUNT-vlase)
vis (vis)
ham (hahm)
worst (wohrst)
kaas (kahs)
eieren (AIY-urr-un)
salade (sah-LAH-duh)
(fresh) vegetables
(verse) groenten ((VEHR-suh) GROON-tun)
(fresh) fruit
(vers) fruit ((vehrs) fruyt)
brood (brote)
toast (toast)
noedels (NOOH-duls)
rijst (raiyst)
bonen (BOW-nun)
koffie (coffee)
tea (drink)
thee (tay)
sap (sahp)
(bubbly) water
spuitwater (SPUYT-wah-tuhr)
water (WAH-tuhr)
bier (beer)
red/white wine
rode/witte wijn (ROH-duh/WIH-tuh waiyn)
...shampoo. (shampoh)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
...aspirine, pijnstiller (AHS-pee-ree-nuh, PAIYN-stih-lur)
...cold medicine.
...hoestsiroop. (...HOOST-see-rope)
...stomach medicine.
...maagtabletjes. (...MAHG-tah-blet-yus)
...a razor.
...een scheermes. (...uhn SGHARE-mes) umbrella.
...een paraplu. (...uhn pah-rah-PLUU)
...sunblock lotion.
...zonnebrand. (...ZOH-nuh-brahnt)
...a postcard.
...een postkaart. (...uhn POST-kahrt)
...postage stamps.
...postzegels. (...POST-zay-guls)
...batterijen. (...bah-tuh-RAI-uhn)
...writing paper.
...schrijfpapier. (...SGHRAIYF-pah-peer)
...a pen.
...een pen. (...uhn pen)

Let's end a meeting

Thank you.
(formal) Dank u. (DAHNK uu)
(informal) Dank je. (DAHNK yuh)
You're welcome.
Graag gedaan. (GRAHG guh-DAHN)

Useful Websites



Translate Google

Wikivoyage phrase Dutch

Be prepared - For Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is celebrated in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Chinese communities in Asia, and Chinatowns in the UK, USA and Europe.  2024 is the year of the Dragon.

If you are thinking of travelling early in the new year, note that flights into and out of Asia and worldwide could be booked up during Chinese New Year, which is for a week from Fab 10th, but flights will be busy and higher priced a week before and a week after.

 Features of Chinese New Year

The year of  -12 animals, which symbolize different qualities to those in the west.

Lion dance.

Colourful and noisy. Lion dance societies practise all year. You pay them to perform at a shopping centre, mall, hotel, city or country club, restaurant. 

They throw out vegetables and chocolates and candies and small gifts for children and adults.

The host family or VIP children should sit in the front row of spectators to catch the gifts. If the host receives too many thrown free gifts, he or she can then distribute the duplicates to those who missed out or to smaller or handicapped children or babes in arms.

Mandarin Oranges

You give two. To visitors to shops.

Red Packets

Containing money. Lucky number is 8. (Unlucky number is four which rhymes with death.)  Married people give the red packets to children and the unmarried.

Family get togethers, reunions of families who travel worldwide.

Singapore - Lo Hei

Vegetables and fish piled in the centre of a round plate. Maybe served in the middle of a circular table, on a lazy Susan to give access to all diners. The central food, is decorated, encircled, with smaller circular piles of vegetables whose colours represent different qualities. 

Supermarket Sets

You can buy sets in the supermarkets. The different sizes are for different numbers of diners, such as two person, four, eight, ten, twenty. Without fish is less expensive. You add your own fish of choice in the middle, such as fresh salmon or smoked salmon. Different prices reflect whether a disposable or better platter or bowl is provided in the set. Another cost factor is for one or several sets of chopsticks.   

Look for the greatest variety at the start of the season. You might find prices go up or down. 

Photo Opportunities

Lion dancers perform in pubic places. ou can ask to be photographed with them.

Feb 10 2024. Year of the Dragon.

Booking flights in February? Prices will go up and seats will be booked.


1 Book flights

2 Book Hotels

3 Book restaurant for reunion dinner

4 Collect red packets for gifts of money to unmarried relatives and get new bank notes to put in the red packets.

5 In Asia instead of a Christmas bonus or gift staff expect a Chinese New Year gift of money to put towards the family festivities.

6 Stock up with mandarin oranges to give as gifts, exchanging pairs of oranges with people entering a shop or house on New Year's day

7 Prepare by baking or buying seasonal fruit tarts with lucky symbols such as pineapple tarts.

8 Plan outings to Chinatowns to see decorations and night markets.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Travel light with a day dress which converts to evening wear

 Travel Light

 A blue day dress made glamorous with DIY decoration of hite feathers and mock pearls on the cuffs. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

At a wedding I was impressed by my friend's blue dress with white feathery and pearl decoration on the cuffs of the sleeves. Her outfit looked very smart and expensive and glamorous. She told me she had sewn on the decoration herself. She makes a lot of craft items, using pieces of decoration. For example, masks. Her dress has a wide circular swing hem added on. But the top is a simple blue shirt-waisted style. It is the contrasting colour which is effective and the soft effect, like feathers and lace. Her outfit is completely unique. She must have spent a reasonable amount on the fancy decoration. But even so, much less than an expensive dress. 

Day and evening
What is interesting is that you can transform a shirt waisted style into something so glamorous with the sleeve decoration. It\s like adding a black bow at the neck of a white blouse. 

Pin or Brooch
If you are handy with a needle, or even a pin, you can create a new outfit for a wedding, or Christmas party, or a birthday or anniversary, or any special occasion. If you think a pin is too DIY, you could buy a pair of matching brooches.

Shein has modestly prices items. But some of the brooches look a bit stiff. You might do better with a search for feather decoration for hats.

Holiday Transformation - Two Looks
When on holiday, you could take pin on decorations in your handbag, and transform or white or blue or black dress with contrasting decoration for the evening. A new look. Less packing. You won't get caught out by a sudden invitation. Nor will you have to find room in your suitcase to bring home a new outfit bought for the special occasion. 

You can also buy lace gloves with feathers decorating them. you could cut off the glove fingers and leave sew the cuff attached to the dress sleeve. 

Chinese and Japanese Menu language, food and toilets


What to Eat



Wagu Beef

What Not To Eat

Poisonous puffer fish

What to drink

Sake. You could try one from country's oldest brewery.

UK Sushi restaurants


Wat to eat

Chicken Rice (in a hawker centre or food court, usually served with the chicken soup). 

Useful Websites

Follow Me JAPAN

tel +65 6507 3900

Was promoting Ibaraki area of Japan, which has flowers and food and drink.

Weddings Worldwide - Reviewed after a Singapore Muslim Malay style wedding reception

Angela dressed as a guest for a Malay Muslim wedding in Singapore. Photo by Sharot family.

For a Malay wedding I wore an outfit which covered my arms to below the elbow, and covered my legs.

Weddings worldwide differ. I should know. I have written several books on the subject and been to Christian ,Jewish and Muslim weddings, English, French, Italian, Chinese and Malay-Singaporean style weddings. I have also conducted a mock wedding ceremony when the officiant was late and the bride wanted sunset photos in the Botanical Gardens bandstand.

My latest venture was to the wedding of a good friend in Singapore. It was a Malay style Singaporean venue. What made it different from, for example, a Chinese wedding or an English wedding?

An English wedding usually has a maid of honour or matron of honour  (the latter a married woman) and/or a couple of bridesmaids who are best friends or sisters. An American wedding can have a dozen bridesmaids, perhaps classmates of a college student.

A UK wedding might have ushers, males in co-ordinating colours showing people to seats.

In Singapore the wedding took place in a wedding hall on the upper floor of a skyscraper shopping mall. confusingly the car parks were on the third level. The wedding venue was on the 2nd or third.

A man wearing what looked like a traditional Sikh outfit, a colourful trouser suit with braid and headgear was in the street outside. When we stopped to look at the directions and try to work out the entrance to the building, he stepped forward to help us. I thought he was a polite bystander. However, he followed us into the building, and confirmed the level when we reached the escalator. So I presumed he had been parked outside by the organizers of the wedding or the venue.

We had been wondering how to present our gift of money. (In the UK you don't give money. You have a wedding list in a department store, nowadays maybe two, or online.)

At a previous wedding which was Chinese, the welcome table outside the hall ticked off our names, counted out the money, and gave us a receipt. Like an accountant. that way no money could drop out or go missing between the donar and the couple. 

At the Muslim wedding reception, the venue had a welcome desk inside the room, before a flowered arch. the table had a large box like the one for Xmas cards at house parties or Writers Circle Club parties in the UK. 

Card Sizes

I had been embarrassed that my greeting card was so small. At Christmas parties and weddings and birthdays in restaurants in the UK, visitors present cards up to A4 size. Mine was A5 size. At the last minute I had found  in my emergency greeting card box, several greetings cards and chosen one. (Rejecting the cards which said Happy Christmas, happy birthday and Condolences!)

I decorated it with gold glue glitter to make it more festive. 

St the venue I slipped it into the box and was presented with a thank you going home gift which was a small jar of teeny chocolate biscuits in a silver glitter cube shaped box.

To my surprise, my husband later assured me that my cards was large enough. He said my card was distinctive -larger than the others. The other envelopes were all the size of red packets given at Chinese New Year. 

Red Packets

Chinese New Year follows Christmas in the tourist calendar, being in January or February. Red packets used to be given away to bank customers. Now that banks are online, red packets are shown on websites and you can make donations through the web.  

The shape is elongated. They come in two sizes, mostly, like a half width of an A6 pocket diary.   

The food was laid out buffet style, 


The tables were round and there was free seating. I thought that worked well. You could choose to sit with family and friends, sit at the front to take photos, sit at the back keeping noisy children out of sight, mix with new people.

The End

The buffet was cleared away. We waved goodbye.

Layout and Dais

the central hall was a path leading up to the dais where the happy couple sat surrounded by flowers, to greet you. An mc alongside the couple had a microphone to call out who was approaching, and then hand you the microphone to give out an announced good wish.

(He was aided by a young lady a few feet in front who asked your name and how you were related to the couple. My husband and I later speculated on how she conveyed the message to the couple.

Helplines For The Stressed and Distressed While Travelling or At Home

Beach Head Suicide prevention phone. (Wiki)

 Every country has helplines for those who are depressed or distressed.

Useful Websites

See the Straits Times.


Mental well-being

  • Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline: 6389-2222 (24 hours)
  • Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444 (24 hours) /1-767 (24 hours)
  • Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019
  • Silver Ribbon Singapore: 6386-1928
  • Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788 
  • Chat, Centre of Excellence for Youth Mental Health: 6493-6500/1
  • Women’s Helpline (Aware): 1800-777-5555 (weekdays, 10am to 6pm)


  • TOUCHline (Counselling): 1800-377-2252
  • TOUCH Care Line (for seniors, caregivers): 6804-6555
  • Care Corner Counselling Centre: 6353-1180
  • Counselling and Care Centre: 6536-6366

Online resources


see wiki


see wiki

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Monday, November 6, 2023

Coffee comic poem by Angela Lansbury, Coffee, Tea, Beer, Whiskey, Guinness and Wine tastings

Coffee cup.

 When you start to cough

It means you are dry

So have some water

Yes, give it a try

When you are tired

Make yourself coffee


Off you go, lovely

The Chinese like warm watet 

The English used to like drinking tea

I never start with neat whiskey

Coffee's the wicked, wake up drink for me

I start with a strong Nespresso coffee

Starbucks if I'm out at eleven

Apple juice at tea time

Midnight more coffee heaven.

I don't need expensive alcohol

I'm a cheap dinner date

Satisfied with Prosecco

One glass sets my smiley state.

But to stop cough leaking, waking once or all night

I see your smirks and laughter

Doctor said, three caffeines a day, not seven

Last caffeine at lunchtime, tap water thereafter.

I take a trail tour once a year

Trail the supermarket if not.

Travel reading wine bottle labels

I'll soon be a polyglot.


tasting and Tours  - UK and Ireland


You can visit the Guinness factory in Ireland.

UK and Scotland

Scotland has whiskey factories and tours.


Wales has many places open to visitors.


More than 300 wineries. Big tour centres include Denbies, with supermarket, restaurant, cellar tours, and depending on season and latest policy outdoor tours chugging up the hillside to see the sunlight on one opposite hill, shadow on the other, which makes sense of the mystery of why terroir is important and the same owner can produce two wines in different styles and prices.

Berry Brothers and Rudd wine shop in Piccadilly, London has tastings and  pre-Xmas events. Most are highly priced, occasionally there is a free tasting with offers to buy the bottles you have tried.

London has the Pall Mall club for serious drinkers, with a huge range of wines by the glass and bottle, and storage of your own bottles.


You can visit Champagne tour in France, in the city of  Rheims.

Green Tea & Japanese Tea

You can have organised tea ceremonies at tea shops in Japan, Singapore and other countries.

Wine Tours

You can take wine tours around France and Portugal. Some organizers do the same tour every year. Others change the venues so there is always something new for repeat customers.


Every country has its own brand. Italian coffee names have captured the market.


Supermarket wine is expensive. You can get deals buy buying cases. A big club in the branch of the Pall Mall club.


California is a great region. I liked the ice wines.


Wineries. Ice Wine.


Many wineries.

New Zealand

BYO, bring your own in restaurants. Buy a bottle in the wine shop near your restaurant. This gives you a huge rage of wines to choose from. (You may be asked for corkage, which is usually reasonable.)

Travelling and Romance

Who should pay on a first date or any date?

When I was pregnant I had to give up work and have bed rest. If you are going to marry - or risk getting pregnant - you need to know that the man is both able and willing to support you through a pregnancy or being a stay at home mother. 

Useful Website and comments

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

A few words for the Philippines

 The national language is Tagalog which includes a few words of Spanish and Malay. Emphasize the middle syllable of TaGAlog. Like AH in the middle.

English - Tagalog

Good morning - Magandan(g) umaga sound like mag-an-dumb, ooh, ma, gar as in garden

good afternoon - magandang babi

thank you - salamat (like salaam, or shalom, arabic and Hebrew for peace, as in the word Jeru-salem

help - tulong

are you okay - okay ka lang (ka is you)

I am okday - ayas lang ako

goodbye = paalam (like b for 'bye turned upside down, followed by salaam with the s at the start

breakfast - agahan

lunch - Tanghalion

I am looking for the words for please, dinner, and good night. I expect to find them in the phrase book in Wikivoyage, if not in Translate Google.

Useful Websites

Translate Google

wikivoyage phrase book  Philippines

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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lost in Translation Spanish


campo countryside

manana means tomorrow or morning

sabado is not Saturday but Sunday

sopa soup

soap is jabón

sou - Jabon (accent on the o)

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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

False friends or false cognates or confusing words in Danish and English


Danish wordEnglish translationEnglish wordDanish translation

brancheline of workbranchgrenafdeling
spottemockspotfå øje på
realplanreal plane
novelleshort storynovelroman
saltomortalesomersaultsalto mortaledødsspring
impulsmomentumimpulseændring i impuls
puddersukkerbrown sugarpowdered sugarflormelis
harmeto annoyto harmskade
teenthe teateenteenager

Useful websites