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Friday, December 29, 2023

Can't sleep? Count Spanish words, A- Z

 I woke at  seven a.m, having gone to bed well past minight, about 12.45 am. I went to the bathroom. My husband followed me and told me, it's too early to get up. You haven't had enough sleep. go back to bed.

So I lay down, but I was awake. I thought, what can I do to pass the time whilst I keep my eyes shut and rested? I can think of Spanish words, A to Z.

I was losing count, losing my place, so I did them in sets of five, counting on my fingers. Left hand a b c d e. Right hand f g h i j.  Every time I got stumped I went back to the start. I kept getting odd words for later on. Por favor would do for the letter P.

I finally decided to give up and get up. Maybe I had dozed off or daydreamed, because by now it was 8.30, time for breakfast, another hour and a half of sleep or at least rest. I was pleased.

Meanwhile, I had another way of recalling and practicing my Spanish words, keeping them fresh in my memory, as well as a regular system for getting to sleep, distracting from churning or streesful thoughts with emotionally neutral and repeititve calming thoughts at bedtime or when waking in the night. Or too early in the monring. here are some of my suggestions for my A to Z of Spanish words. Pick your own, using my first list as inspiration. I start with the common everyday words one might come across on maps, street signs, or in conversation, or want to use, then a specilised word.

flag of Spain

Flag of Mexico

SPANISH - English A - Z

agua - water Angeles, as in Los Aangeles, angels, plural

b for buena as in buena vista Blanco white. B my husband who is a wine educator suggested bodega, which means winery

c cerveza been ciudad dity centro centre calle road, cafe cafe caliente hot 

d domingo sunday desayuno breakfast

e el the masculine este this entrada entrance

f feliz happy as in feliz navidad happy Christmas literally happy nativity freddo cold fantastico fantastic

g grande large as in rio grande, or is that Portuguese?

h  hacienda inn hola is hello

iIngles with an accent on the e English

j la jirafa - the giraffe

k kiosko is kiosk koala is koala, kayak, kiwi, kimono

l los the plural as in Los Angeles

m mia mine as in Mama Mia madere mother. Menu is menu.

n nada as in de nada for nothing, reply to thank you, equivalent of it's nothing, or don't mention it navidad, nativity as in the song Feliz Navidad, meaning Happy Christmas 

o olivas - olives

p por favor for a four, please, equivalent of the English phrase, do me a favour

q quiero I want, useful phrase in a restaurant when ordering food, or poinint in a fast food place with bowls of food on a counter queso is cheese

r rio river roasad rose wine, blush wine

s senor, sir or mister

t tinto, red or tinted wine

u usted you (plural or formal) usar to use uvas grapes uno is one

v vaso - glass villa house, large detached house  vino wine

w whisky waffle (wafle?) wifi (no w in Spanish, but borrowed words place namedand personal names such as William)

x xilofon with an accent upwards on thesecond and last o for emphasis

y y means and

z zorro fox  zapatos shoes


a apple in Spanish is manzana

b breakfast - desayuno

c city in Spanish is ciudad

d day is dia

e evening in Spanish is noche

f fruit in Spanish is frutas

g giraffe is jirafa

h house is casa but home is hogar

i I is yo but I am is simply the verb soy

j jugar to play

k kiosk is kiosko koala is koala king in Spanish is rey

l large is grande

m menu is menu mapa is map  mixed - mixta

n new is nuevo manculine or nueva feminine

o old in Spanish is vieja faminine or viejo masculine

p pay in Spanish is pagar

q nish is reina

r royal in Spanish is real  radio is radio

s Spain is Espana and Spanish is espanol. Add the sign over the n by copying the word from another source such as Wikipedia.

t the is la or el or los for plural as in Los Angeles

u up in Spanish is arriba, upstairs is piso superior

v very is muy

w wine is vino water is agua

x x-ray in spanish is radiografia

y you plural is usted

z zoo in Spanish can be the same or zoologico with an upward accent on the third of the four letter o

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