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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Interfaith Worship Spaces - where are they?


When my family lived in the USA we were invited to meetings in a buidling which was a symagogue on Saturday and a church on Sunday. As the congregation left after a service, the the last person to leave was the minister bringing up the rear. He surreptitiously turned the signboard. The signboard was rotated to show the name of the other congregation.

What were the advantages? Nothing to do with co-operation. Sheer economics. It halved the cost of the meeting place for both communities. It halved the cost of building. Repairs. Cleaning. Cutting the grass. Paying the local taxes. 

It halved the cost of any caretaker or security device. It reduced the chance of vandalism by switching the identity. Also it ensured the building was kept in use. People coming and going. Not left empty. 

Both groups had cupboards to store books and artifacts. Curtains could be drawn, adorned with suitable symbols. The board outside announced the name of your congregation or the venue for your event. 

Until you saw the signboard turn, you had no idea. It was surreal. Like something out of a Kafka dream. Or a TV comedy.

The congregations could meet jointly for events. They, the priest and rabbi, and committees, could meet administratively to discuss practical matters such as repairs and decoration and maintenance.


In 2023 in Abu Dhabi another type of project was produced. Three buildings, a mosque, a church, and a synagogue, form a unified complex. 


Cathedral–Mosque of Córdoba, Initially a pagan worship place, then converted into church and then, the Umayyad Moors built a mosque on the site, which is now reconverted into a Christian cathedral.

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