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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Spanish words on maps, signs and photos - 21 handy words

 Spanish is handy in Europe in Spain, and all over South America.

Spanish Word Meanings

Spanish is easy. Many words have Latin roots, like English. 

Spanish - English

1 Buena - good

2 cerro - hill/mountain

3 con - with

4 cristo - Christ

5 de - of (the same word as in French)

6 del - of the

7 desde / desde de - for, from, since

8 en - in

9 estatua - statue

10 iglesia - church

11 mapa - map

12 Olimpico - Olympic

13 nocturna - nocturnal/at night

14 rey - king

15 santa - saint

16 teatro - theatre

17 torre - tower

18  universidad - university 

19 valle - valley

20 ventura - fortune

21 vista - view

English - Spanish

Christ - Cristo

church - iglesia

good - buena

hill/mountain - cerro

in - en

king - rey 

map - mapa

nacturnal/at night - nocturna

of - de

of the - del

Olympic - Olimpico

saint - santa (as in Santa Claus which means Saint Charles)

statue - estatua

theatre - teatro

tower - torre

university - universidad

valley - valle

view - vista

with - con

English - Spanish

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