Here are some of the words I have learned recently from Duolingo. I found some of them had obvious connections with similar or longer English words. When I was stumped, I asked my husband and he added a couple more useful suggestions. Notice that the Italian words usually end with a vowel, a, o, e, i. Sometimes the last consonant is dropped, leaving the Italian word ending in a vowel.
Italian - English
farmacia - pharmacy (sounds the same, ph=f) farmaci-a
dito - finger (like digit) dit -o
ha - has (she has, consonant dropped)
lei - she (To remember the letters, like the French elle, using the letters l and e. Il is he, so you add e to get the feminine lei, and reverse the letter il for he to get lei for her, putting her letter e in the middle of the l and i. Or using the sounds to remember, I remember, 'he was ill and she lay down with him.')
Medico - doctor, in the medical profession, prescribes medicine medic-o
(le) pareti - walls (like partition, starts par, includes the letter t, Italian ends with i , i being plural like the word spaghetti)
pericolo - danger, peril, something perilous pericol -o
preferisco - I prefer (My memory aid is ,'I prefer San Francisco - preferisco San Francisco')
sei - are you? (I rmember, 'Say, are you ...?'
sforzi - effort or force - all have the letters for, in Italian add a hiss at the start and the vowel i at the end sforz - i
vivace - lively, vivacious vivac - e
English - Italian
are you? - sei
danger - pericolo
doctor - medico
effort / force - sforzi
finger - dito
has - ha
I prefer - preferisco
Pharmacy - farmacia
she - lei
vivacious - vivace
walls - paretti
Glossary (mini dictionary of words used in a document)
vowel - voiced sound, a e i o u (and sounds with added y, eg ay)
consonant - what goes with the (vowel) sound, or stops it, usually using the tongue or lips, b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p , q, r s, t v, w, x, z
e.g. Latin for for example
Useful Websites
Duolingo - Italian and other languages
Wiki - consonants
Wiki - vowels
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