Where can you see free street art?
An open top bus tour anywhere, any city. A walking gtour of murals. London's East End.
USA, Philodelphia.
What else? Statues of people sitting on benches. In London, England. Spain and Portugal.
Banksy murals worldwide. Wroclaw dwarfs or gnoes, about 600 ankle height miniature sculptures in Poland.
English: Democrat (Demokracja) dwarf from KOD located on Plac Solny Polski: Demokracja wrocławski krasnal ufundowany przed KOD znajdujący na placu Solnym 20 autorstwa kongijskiego rzeźbiarza Jeana Louisa Kotagomby. | |
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Source | Own work |
You can find more amusing pictures of the ankle height sculptures in Wroclaw, Poland. I chose this one because it shows you the size of the sculpture.Angela with mural at London Cru winery, London, England. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright.
In Philadelphis you can do a self-guided tour, following a map guide.
You can see street art in countries you hope to visit, and countries you cannot currently visit. Decorative and permanent street art, controversial banned, damaged, painted over by mistake (UK) or lost street art. I recently saw street art in New Zealand, even in small suburban corners of Auckland. Street art online in Wikipedia is from Australia, Israel, European countries and many other countries.
To sum up
Past - to see online
Sculpture exhibitions
Elephants, London and Waddesdon
Permanent - to visit
East End walking tours - murals
Paintings for sale along Piccadilly some weekends
Sculptures of famous royalty and characters such as Oscar Wilde and Amy Winehouse animals and sculptures and monuments Trafalgar Square
Public fountains
Philadelphia - murals
Wroclaw - ankle height sculptures
Sculpture parks
For free entertainment in any city, look online for murals, street sculpture, markets.
Useful Websites
London, England, walking tour
Philadelphia, USA, tour
Armchair travelling from your desk
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