Druze flag. Wikipedia.
A Druze restaurant has opened in New York. Interestingly, because it is vegetarian, it qualifies as kosher. Because the co-founder is Druze, not Jewish, he can open on Saturday.
Members of the Druze community are in New York Israel, Syria and Jordan and Venezuela. Notably they are in the Golan Heights.
They follow the Old and New testaments and the Koran as well as their own texts. They believe in reincarnation. And monogamy. They arry within their community.
Jethro's Tomb
Their venerated ancestor is Jethro, who was the father-in-law of biblical Moses. Jethro's tomb in Galilee in Israel is a place of pilgrimage for the Druze. The important calendar date is April.
The British Druze society in London has a page listing various food businesses including Nuts about Nuts.
Jethro's tomb. Israel. Picture from Wikipedia.Useful Websites
The Wikipedia article on the Druze includes lots of information on food.
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