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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dealing with redundancy at home and overseas, jobs, condos, cars and cats

The company sets up a new business or employs new staff members. A year later people are made redundant. What should the company do? What can the employee do?

Years ago in the UK, I was a young copywriter in an advertising agency when the company lost an account and I was made redundant.  Personnel told me that I had lost my job and asked what I was going to do next. I had no idea. they suggested that as I had been working as a copywriter, if I did not want to take the opportunity to change direction, I should look for and apply for copywriting jobs advertised in the advertising industry newspaper Campaign (which had been started by the late Philip Kleinman who wrote an amusing column. The PR man circled two ads and suggested that I phone up.

The way I like to remember the story is that I looked too bewildered or shy, and either out of pity or to get rid of me and my having a glum face for the rest of the hour before I left, he decided to take action and help.

He phoned the two numbers and confidently and matter of factly asked for personnel, described me and my situation, asked if they would like to interview me in person, and would they like to speak to me on the phone, put me on to them to give my name address and date of birth for their records, and I instantly had a job interview (for a job which I got).

Even more impressive was the action taken in the USA after I went to live there. A British company closed down its entire operation. The HR department, before the office files and phone were removed,
asked for a day's grace until after the weekend to deal with the paperwork requried by law of giving the staff their final wages and statements.

The HR department did two things.
1) They ran off useful paperwork.
a) A Record of each persons' employment history in the form of a C.V.
b) Added two testimonials from the HR department and each person's boss or colleague.
c) They listed all the companies in the area, plus the names and addresses and phone numbers of the HR departments and the local newspapers or magazines which advertised jobs - in fact reproducing that 'week's job ads, such and such a company in the next street was advertising for two secretaries and one post boy, and three delivery drivers, and so on.

2) They organized a job fair courtesy of the local hotel in the lobby. Al the companies on the nearby industrial estate were asked to send the HR department to sit at a desk, give out leaflets on their company, lists of jobs available, and collect CVs from our staff.

Our staff then went around collecting information, speaking to HR (which gets around the fear of phoning them later), and handing over CVS.

Each Friday for the next six months, the head of HR held a party either at her house, or a rotating list of homes, or a nearby cheap restaurant, in which we all got together. Those still looking for jobs gave their CVs to those who had found jobs, to hand into the new companies. Of course, anybody who had taken a new job and didn't like it could tip off somebody keener, "I'm going back to my old company and family in San Francisco, so if you are still looking for a job, I'm resigning from my job here on the East coast on Monday."

When the head of marketing found herself a new job three months later and needed to assemble a team of market research interviewers, she was able to mop up those still looking for jobs.

HR is an Americanism for what, in the UK, was and still is called Personnel Department.

In Singapore an advanced speaker using the old Toastmasters International system, acted out a scenario where he had to deliver bad news such as redundancy to an employee.

Moving back to the UK or your home country in a hurry involves various practical moves.

Singapore Rentals
We took out rental agreements in Singapore. The rental agreements were for two years. The only reason why you could move out instantly was if your job ended and your work permit was withdrawn. You had to have your employer guaranteeing the payment of the rent, I think for two months.

So your problems can include disposing of the condo, the car and the cat.

Selling A Car
One problem in the USA was to sell the car in a hurry. This was achieved simply by putting a sign in the car window saying, Want to Buy This Car, Only $...... phone this number ........"

Selling A Car Quickly
I must admit that for years I had thought that people who advertised cars with a sign in the window were criminals on the run. But on this occasion, we found a trustworthy buyer who trusted the seller.

Advertising A Garage Sale
One way to sell up household goods is to have what the Americans call a 'garage sale'. How do you advertise it? The system is to write your phone number two dozen times on a fringe of tear-off vertical slips at the bottom of the sheet so that numerous people can take your number and call you.

What is safe, what is legal and what is feasible changes constantly. Armed with these ideas and energy and enthusiasm, check sources in your area to find the best practices in your country to help yourself and help others when you have need.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker

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