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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kaya Toast at Harbourfront, Singapore

I love kaya toast. It looks like lime green lemon curd. It brightens up toast and butter.

I had coffee and kaya toast with two friends in the Harbourfront shopping complex next to the entrance to the MRT station (and adjoining the swanky Vivo Shopping Mall.) 

Harbourfront has the two shopping malls, office blocks and the old harbour. It's the end of the line, MRT, so easy to find. 

When we were invited for coffee after a lunchtime meeting, we accepted. Imagine my delight in finding we were hesitantly asked if we minded having coffee at a Kaya toast shop? 

Kaya? Yes, please! Kaya is one of my favourites. After durian, and fish head curry - just one of the Singapore specialities. It's also inexpensive if you want a quick stop, and you won't have to worry about spending too much on your guests, or asking too much of your hosts.

The coffee shop looked completely full just after lunch at about 2.30 on a Thursday afternoon.
However, when we walked to the back wall, we saw small square stools waiting without a customer -for a customer without a stool. We would be three, all perched on cube shape backless stools around a tiny round table.

Fortunately, I was too busy talking and being polite and making use of the time in conversation to worry about my surroundings. Just as well that I didn't waste time worrying, because by the time the host of our group returned from the kiosk queue with our coffees (the kaya toast is cooked to order and delivered to the table) we were kings of the coffee tables. As somebody vacated their table beside us, we moved to a table with a bench seat and backs to the wall (easier to watch your belongings and keep them off the dirty floor). We pushed two square tables together to make a bigger table for three.

As you can see from the picture, proper seats with backs are against the outside corridor.

I had wondered about the calorie count. However, the toast is in very thin slices, a thin sandwich, more flavour and less bread. I was happy with that.

I didn't have time to read the history of the company which is on the wall outside, so I took a picture of it to read later.

Author, Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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