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Friday, May 11, 2018

What to see and do in Denpasar and Bali, Indonesia

Denpasar - BALI
Denpasar is the capital. Yes, that sounds a good place to start. I love Bali. Doesn't everybody!

Flower petals are on the steps of temples. The perfume is supposed to be released as you walk up the steps into the temple.

The smell of Tuberose wafts around from the huge flower arrangements in the lobby of five-star hotels.

Exotic local women about the same height as me so I don't feel small and can make eye contact.

I love the open-sided hotel lobbies and restaurants.

The bathroom adjoining your bedroom with its open roof showing the sky and leaning trees.

Bali in Indonesia
1 Temples
2 Hotels - especially clifftop hotel and restaurant Kupu Kupu barong meaning butterfly, but also cheaper guesthouses. When you see a repeated word that is a plural in both Malay or Indonesian languages (which like American and British English are almost identical apart from some vocabulary extras).
3 Massage
4 Gamelan music performance

Honest Afterthoughts
Bali - watch out for mosquitos!
Buy and apply insect repellent. Big hotels provide nets over beds. When you go to bed at night, shut the nets so there are no gaps.  But what about when you are unpacking, undressing or just sitting waiting reading a newspaper? Shut the bedroom door quickly! Shut the door onto the balcony when not sitting out. Shut the windows or shut the mesh.

Mosquito coils will be provided. But you might have to ask for them - check when checking in. Or ask the person who carries your luggage or shows you the bedroom to show you where the coil is - perhaps hidden under the bedroom desk or on the floor hidden by a chair or curtain. You will want it switched on if it is electric or lit if it's a small flame with visible oil.

After you've had a shower you will want to re-apply your protection. You could get bitten just waiting for the staff to arrive with the coil.

If you want extra protection against buzzing insects and their bites you might want to buy your own mosquito repellents before leaving for your trip.

Useful Websites:

See previous post for


Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer.
More text and photos later. Come back.

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