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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Recycling your holiday souvenirs: corks and leaflets

Recycled wine bottle cork decoration. Six corks on a saucer. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

If you don't have a frame for the corks to hang them on a rustic style kitchen wall, you can place them on a saucer as dinner table decoration.

Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

 I come back from holiday with so much clutter. What can I do with corks from bottles? Brochures, leaflets, pamphlets?

I even have duplicates of business cards and leaflets. Here are my latest ideas.

Uses For Corks

Cork Decorations

Arrange cork decorations in concentric circles, lying flat and radiating out, like the almonds on the top of a British Dundee cake, around a central point such as a cut off disc shape half of a cork.

Cork Jewellery

Use a cork as a pendant, or a string of corks, or discs cut from corks, as a lightweight necklace which cost nothing so is no great loss if you lose it. Make a matching bracelet.

Hanging Corks

On bags and backpacks.

Use corks on Hats

Hang corks from hat brims as fly swatters. I bought a hat like this in Australia. It was expensive. But I found the corks in front of my eyes were irritating. You could just have corks all around the hat, but not in front of your eyes.  

Uses For Travel Leaflets, tickets, pictures

You can stick one sided tickets, even your boarding passes, onto diagonally cut cereal boxes to be used as storage for your itinerary and other brochures or receipts from your holiday, Or just a decorative box.

You can use leaflets to cover your holiday notebook or diary.

Brighten up old cardboard boxes used for storage.

If you have three identical leaflets, or at least two, make a three D picture with trees at the back and a building at the front. No two identical? Use the brightly coloured leaflet in front and a paler one at the back.

Print pictures for a talk. Then use them to create a 3D picture. You need a frame with a gap, bought cheaply from craft stores when they have sales.

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