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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Iceland Takes Action On Palm Oil From Hot Countries - to save orang utangs and prevent haze

Iceland, not the country, but the UK frozen food company, has planned to ban palm oil. It seems that they are responding to concerns about orang-utangs and the environment in the countries where palm oil is produced.

Equally worrying for those who live or work in Asia is the haze from burning down forests to re-plant palm oil plantations. The smoke billows to neighbouring countries, surprisingly far away.

For days in Singapore some years people wear masks in the street. You can't go outside onto your balcony, or into a traditional kitchen with grilles instead of glass windows, for more than a moment without coughing and coming back into the house.

Outdoor swimming pools close. Use of paddling pools is banned. Schools close and so do colleges and universities with outdoor campuses. Even in places where lessons take place indoors, the building has to close because staff such as gardeners and car park attendants and security at the gate and security patrols and litter pickers cannot be asked to work in the open air.

Restaurants lose business because nobody sits outside so all those tables are empty and the place looks forlorn instead of busy.

I won't go to venues which require long walks from the station or bus stop. I can't swim in the outdoor pool. Walking to the station is a challenge. Also walking uphill, breathing heavily.

Jogging is not possible. I can't walk, can't run, don't want to sit in the open air at a bus stop. I plan my route so that I eliminate walking.

Ex-pats are leaving for a holiday or permanently. My lunch with a friend gets cancelled because she has flown to Australia to evade the haze. I look forward to the time when the haze will be gone, the way that the smog in London, England, disappeared after measures were taken to change fuel burning.

Useful Websites BBC report on Iceland and its planned action

Angela Lansbury. British born, Singapore Permanent Resident. Permanent Resident is not a description I have chosen but a government status which you must apply for, like citizenship.

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