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Friday, June 7, 2019

Booking A Holiday During Ramadan? Closing times of restaurants for Ramadan in Singapore, Malaysia and Worldwide & Night Markets

Ramadan in Singapore has just ended.
In 2020 the dates are the evening of the 23rd of April to the evening of the 23rd of May.

In Singapore you might find that some shops and stalls selling Muslim food are closed during the day during fasting periods. So are some buidlings such as Community Clubs. However, plenty of other restaurants are open.

You will find kiosks and music in the Malay, Muslim and Arab areas. Check your map.

In Malaysia look for the Chinese restaurants in large urban areas. From a distance, driving through Malaysia at night looking for a supper spot, it was easy to see the orange lanterns of the Chinese restaurants.

Note which parts of the country are more religious. If you are a night bird, note that although restaurants are closed in the day, stalls selling food will open after dusk.

Other Countries
The hours when restaurants are closed vary from country to country. A country with short daylight hours will have restaurants opening earlier in the evening. Every country is different. Timing goes by the local sunrise and sunset, not by the clock. Pretty easy to guage. Just look out of the window or check the newspaper or internet for the sunset times later in the day.

When book a holiday for next year in a Muslim country, check the hours of Ramadan and the local laws.

Private Picnics
A good idea to choose food which is not strong-smelling. If you have something such as banana skin which smells strong in the heat, you will want to dispose of it fast. Have your food in containers which seal well.

To eat in privacy, you can eat in a car which has dark windows. In buildings I have retreated into the toilet. A chance to eat unseen and dispose of food.

Self-catering accommodation suits Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslims can fast by day and cook at night. Non muslims can stock up with food and eat in privacy during the day.

Holiday Timing
If you are not Muslim and want to avoid causing offense or going without food in the daytime, visit the Muslim coutnries outside Ramadan; and during Ramadan go to non-Muslim coutnries and current or previously secular or communist countries such as Russia and China.

Useful Websites For Travellers

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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