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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bulgarian Basics In A Hurry

UK flag

USA flag

The Bulgarian flag is three horizontal bands of white at the top then green and red an the bottom.

I am trying to learn Bulgarian to read or speak for a trip, mainly to read, signs, especially road signs when driving, and menus when stopping in restaurants and coffee shops. 
I tried learning the Cyrillic script from the Russian in DuoLingo. Unfortunately DuoLingo does not yet do Bulgarian.

I tried with the aid of Google translate two or three useful words:
see you soon
your sincerely

ще се видим скоро
искрено твой
shte se vidim skoro
iskreno tvoĭ 

I looked at Wikipedia and found the Bulgarian alphabet.

I went onto the polyglot page of Facebook and asked fellow polyglots for advice.One perso suggested Pinsleur. They seemed to have a huge number of languages but not Bulgarian. they have a free lesson to try their system and I chose German. It was very good. Pimsleur does what no other system does, breaks the words into syllables so you can hear it clearly and practise.  they repeat the phrase you are learning many times with pauses to allow you to repeat. And the sound is clear. (Unlike Duolingo when the voice is sometimes fast with four words run together and indistinct.)

I found amazon and Ebay had various items for sale: phrase books; dictonaries; discs with Bulgarian - but mostly downloads. I wanted a physical book.

Why not online? Because I want to use it at my destination and whilst travelling there. I don't fancy spinning up and down a small phone, increasing roaming charges, using up memory.
the options offered in actual books included
Lonely Planet


Language discs

Travel Websites

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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