Have you any complaints or compliments about Heathrow?
Our journey exiting Heathrow was very pleasant due to the lack of crowds. Fast through the lineup to exit. So few passengers that the lugggage came through fast.
What could be better? The contract tracing system is daft. You are supposed to fill up online. But the wifi system was not working so we could not read our phone.
Leaving Heathrow you see wonderful historic photos of Heathrow and famous passengers and visitors through the ages. The Beatles. HM Queen Elizabeth. Many countries have huge panels of the capital city's attractions and scenic spots around the country.
Where are the giant pictures of Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Traflagar Square and Nelson's Column?
Where are the ever changing videos of slides of famous people from history? London's statues alone could provide entertainment. William Shakespeare. A few quotations from Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare.
The statues of Alcock and Brown, the first pilots to fly across the Atlantic, were displayed at Heathrow before going to Brooklands Museum.
But you don't need to have the statues. A photo of the statues, or a slide prjected onto a wall would be great.
How about some scenes of the Lake district. And Wordsworth's poem? Durdle Door.
How about advertisements of historic pubs. k
Or famous foods?
Famous Drinks.

Something healthy? Strawberries and cream.
Wimbledon tennis.
Guinness records.
Add some photos from Wales?

We were met by a car hire driver who could not remember on which floor he parked the car. It would be better to have each floor with a distinctive decor. A different colour. A reminder of the floor as you leave. A code you can scan which sends a reminder of the floor to your phone.
Useful Websites
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
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